Subscription Rates

AMPR Subscription Rates

The Antique Map Price Record is the finest online research tool available through subscription. With your subscription you have unlimited access to the complete database of price records. A subscription has several years of pricing information and is equivalent to receiving catalogs from nearly 100 dealer and auction catalogs. Save yourself the time and money and benefit from our powerful search engine!

We update the AMPR constantly as new catalogs and auction results are received. No other product comes close in the quality and quantity of the information offered by the Antique Map Price Record.

Choose the annual subscription for the best value! Because we are constantly adding new dealer listings and auction results you will always have the latest pricing information.

  Subscriptions Price US$     Service Provided
 · Annual Subscription $120      Unlimited access for 365 days
 · 30 day Subscription $45      Unlimited access for 30 days
 · One Week Subscription $20      Unlimited access for 7 days © 2023 All rights reserved., the logo,
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