Archives - Antique maps of India

'T Eyland Goa, Aa by 1707
't Eyland Goa ..., Aa by 1702
't Half Eilandt van Indien aan deze Zyde van den Gangesstroom waar in Legen de Ryken van Decana, Golconda, Bisnagar, en ..., Sanson Fils by 1705
'T Half Eilandt van Indien, aan deze zyde van den Gangestroom waar in Leggen de Ryken van Decana, Golconda, Bisnagar, en ..., Sanson by 1705
'T Half Eilandt van Indien… Reyken van Decana, Golconda, Bisnagar, en ..., Sanson by 1705
'T Half Eilandt van Indien… Reyken van Decana, Golconda, Bisnagar, en ..., Sanson by 1705
'T Koninkrijk van Bengale En Landschappen Aande Ganges Vloed tussen Mogol En Pegu ..., Aa by 1707
'T Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Sanson by 1705
't Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Sanson Fils by 1705
'T Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Sanson by 1705
'T Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Sanson by 1705
't Ryk van den Grooten Mogol met de Grenzen van Cambaya en't Koninkryk Deli, ..., Aa by 1706
't Wester Deel van Oost Indien Streckende van C. de Bona Esperance tot ..., Doncker by c.1665
(Cochin), SCHENK [Family] by 1702
(Goa), Linschoten by 1596
(Goa), SCHENK [Family] by 1702
(India), Fries by 1525
(India), Dudley by 1646-61
(India), Herbert by 1779
(India, East Coast), Herbert by 1780
(India, Northeast Coast), Herbert by 1780
(India, West Coast), Herbert by 1780
(Indian Ocean), Herbert by 1779
(Malabar Coast), Valentijn by 1726
(Nona Asie Tabula), Ptolemy/Germanus by 1482
(Northeast India), MANUSCRIPT MAPS by c.1765-1770
(Northwest Pakistan), Walker by 1853-84
(Persian Gulf & Red Sea), Horsburgh by 1816-46
(Persian Gulf), Herbert by 1779
(Pulicat / Fort St. David), Laurie & Whittle by 1794
(Surat), SCHENK [Family] by 1702
(Surat), Valentijn by 1725
(Surat), Valentijn by 1726
(Tabula X Asiae), Fries by 1525
... Steel's New Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans; from the Cape of Good Hope Canton and New Zealand; Including All the Passages to India and China. Drawn from the Most Recent Observations and Surveys ... a New Edition ..., Norie by 1832
[Asiae Tabula decima continet India intra Gangem], Ptolemy/Fries by 1541
[Asiae Tabula decima continet Indiam intra Gangem.], Waldseemuller by 1541
[Atlas] A Bengal Atlas: Containing Maps of the Theatre of War and Commerce on that Side of ..., Rennell by 1780
[Atlas] A Bengal Atlas: Containing Maps of the Theatre of War and Commerce on that Side of ..., Rennell by 1780
[Atlas] A Bengal Atlas: Containing Maps of the Theatre of War and Commerce on that Side of ..., Rennell by 1780
[Atlas] A Bengal Atlas: Containing Maps of the Theatre of War and Commerce on that Side of ..., Rennell by 1781
[Atlas] A Bengal Atlas: Containing Maps of the Theatre of War and Commerce on that Side of ..., Rennell by 1781
[Atlas] Constable's Hand Atlas of India, Constable [& Co.] by 1893
[Atlas] Cyclone Tracks in the South Indian Ocean, British Government by 1891
[Atlas] L.U.K. Maps of India, MILITARY MAPS - INFREQUENT PUBLISHERS by c.1846
[Atlas] Recueil de Cartes Geographiques, pour la Description de ..., Rennell by 1800
[Book with maps] Naukeurige Beschryving van het Rijk des Grooten Mogols, en een Groot Gedeelte van Indien ..., Dapper by 1672
[Book with maps] Routier pour la Navigation des Indes ..., Thevenot by c. 1663-72
[Ceilon], Spilbergen by 1605
[Globe gore] (Indian Ocean), Coronelli by 1697
[Goa], Bry by 1599
[India], Celebi by 1732
[India], Honter by c.1561
[JAVA], Arnhem Life Insurance Company by c. 1937
[Lot of 2] British India [and] Southern India, Tallis by 1850
[Lot of 2] Carte de l'Indoustan Suivant les Cartes les Plus Recentes, Conciliees avec les Relations et les Details Geographiques... [and] Suite de la Carte de l'Indoustan IIe. Feuille, Comprenant la Presqu' Isle de ..., Bellin by 1752
[Malabar Pars], Valentijn by 1724
[Map of Northern India, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and surrounding ..., Anonymous by c. 1890
[On 2 Sheets] A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape ..., Faden by 1800
[Plan Of The Battle Of Seringpatam], MANUSCRIPT MAPS by 1800 c
[Set of 25 Manuscript Maps and Notes from the Third Maratha ..., MANUSCRIPT MAPS by 1818-21
[Set of maps] India I - XII [and] Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-42
[Set of maps] India I [through] India XII [and] Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-42
[set of Twelve maps of India], Letts [Family] by 1881
[Tabula Duodecima Asiae continet Taprobanam insulam], Ptolemy/Fries by 1541
[Title on Verso] Asiae Tabula Decima Continet Indiam intra ..., Fries by 1541
A Bengal Atlas: Containing Maps of the War and Commerce on that side of ..., Rennell by 1781
A Chart of the Coast of Cormandel and the great Bay of ..., Senex by 1728
A Chart of the Coast of India from Goa to Cape Cormorin, Exhibiting the Coasts of Canara and Malabar ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Chart of the Coast of India, from Goa to Cape Comorin, Exhibiting the Coasts of Canara and Malabar, with the Lake Divas Islands, and the Channels of Eight and Nine ..., Jefferys by 1794
A Chart of the Currents in the Indian Sea during the South West Monsoon, to the Northward of the Line by Msr. le Vicomte ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Chart of the East Indian Coast ..., Cutler by c.1728
A Chart of the Eastern Coast of the Gulf of Bengal from Mr. D'Apres de ..., Sayer by c.1788
A Chart of the Eastern Ocean from C. Good Hope to the Islands of Japan; Drawn from the Journals and Remarks of the Most Skilful Navigators, More Especially from Those of M d'Apres de Mannevillette ..., Herbert by 1759
A Chart of the Indian Ocean and part of the South Sea, Exhibiting the Track of the Recherche and Esperance ... by J.D. Barbie du Bocage ... to Illustrate an Account of the Voyage in Search of La Perouse ..., LABILLARDIERE by 1800
A Chart of the Indian Sea and Eastern Ocean by Thos. Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778-80
A Chart of the Indian Sea and Eastern Ocean by Thos. Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1780
A Chart of the Indian Sea and Eastern Ocean by Thos. Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1780
A Chart of the Indian Sea and Eastern Ocean by Thos. Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys by 1780
A Chart of the Islands in the Middle Part of the Indian ..., Herbert by 1779
A Chart of the Islands in the Middle Part of the Indian ..., Herbert by 1780
A Chart of the Isles of Patte on the East Coast of Africa [on sheet with] A Chart of the Islands Querimbo, Oybo and Natemo on the East Coast of Africa [and] A Chart of the North Part of the Island Madagascar in the Indian ..., Herbert by 1779
A Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal, Between Point Palmiras and The Aracan ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Chart of the Northern Part of the Indian Ocean Containing a Part of the Coast of Africa from Magadasho River ... and the Coast of Asia ... to the Mouth of the Ganges; with the Lakedivas, Maldivas and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
A Chart of the Northern Part of the Indian Ocean Containing a Part of the Coast of Africa from Magadasho River ... and the Coast of Asia ... to the Mouth of the Ganges; with the Lakedivas, Maldivas and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
A Chart of the Northern Part of the Indian Ocean, Containing a Part of the Coast of Africa from Magadasho River to the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, and the Coasts of Asia ... to the Mouths of the Ganges; with the Lakedivas, Maldivas and ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Chart of the Northern Part of the Indian Ocean, Containing a Part of the Coast of Africa from Magadasho River to the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, and the Coasts of Asia ... to the Mouths of the Ganges; with the Lakedivas, Maldivas and ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Chart of the Northern Part of the Indian Ocean, Containing a Part of the Coast of Africa from Magadasho River to the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, and the Coasts of Asia ... to the Mouths of the Ganges; with the Lakedivas, Maldivas and ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Chart of the Northern Part of the Indian Ocean, Containing a Part of the Coast of Africa from Magadasho River to the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb, and the Coasts of Asia ... to the Mouths of the Ganges; with the Lakedivas, Maldivas and ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Chart of the Western Part of the East Indies, Seller by c.1690
A Chart of the Western Part of the East Indies, Seller by c.1700
A Chart of the Western Part of the East Indies with All the Adjacent Islands from Cape Bona Esperanca to Cape ..., Seller by c.1675-79
A Chart of the Western Part of the East-Indies. With All the Adjacent Islands from Cape Bona Esperanca to the Island of ..., Thornton by c.1711
A Chart of the Western Part of the East-Indies. With All the Aejacent Islands from Cape Bona Esperanca to Cape ..., Thornton by 1700
A Correct Chart of the Coasts of Hindostan ..., Malham by 1797
A Correct Chart of the Indian Ocean ..., Malham by 1797
A Correct Chart of the Indian Ocean. Engraved for Malham's Naval Gazetteer [and] A Correct Chart of the Coasts of Hindostan. Engraved for Malham's Naval ..., Malham by 1801
A Correct Map and Chart of the Peninsula of India, Done from the Plans and Journals Deposited in the Marine Office ..., Herbert by 1779
A Description of East India Conteyning the Empire of the Great ..., Baffin by 1625
A Description of East India Conteyning the Empire of the Great ..., Purchas by 1625
A Description of East India Conteyning the Empire of the Great ..., Purchas by 1625
A Description of East India Conteyning the Empire of the Great ..., Purchas by 1625
A Description of East India Conteyning the Empire of the Great ..., Baffin by 1632
A General Chart for the Purpose of Pricking off a Ship's Track, from England &c. Southward and round the ..., Hobbs by 1856
A General Chart of the Hoogly River and the Approaches to it from False Point to Calcutta Compiles from the Surveys of Captn. Lloyd and his Assistants. By John Walker, Geographer to the Honble. E. I. ..., Walker by 1845
A General Chart of the Indian and Part of the Pacific Oceans, Shewing the Various Passages to & from China, Australia, New Zealand, &c. ..., Hobbs by 1851
A General Chart of the Indian and Part of the Pacific Oceans, Shewing the Various Passages to & from China, Australia, New Zealand, &c. ..., Hobbs by 1851
A General Chart of the Indian and Part of the Pacific Oceans, Shewing the Various Passages to & from China, Australia, New Zealand, &c. ..., WILSON by 1856
A General Map of India Including the Empire of Hindustan with the Kingdom of Bengal & its other ..., Kitchin by 1773
A Geohydrographic Draught of the Northern Circars ..., Laurie & Whittle by c.1798
A Geohydrographic Draught of the Northern Circars ..., Laurie & Whittle by c.1798
A Ilha Cidade De Goa Metropolitana Da Indiae…, Linschoten by 1595
A Ilha E Cidade De Goa Metropolitana Da India E Partes Orientais Que Esta Em 15 Graos Da Banda Do ..., Linschoten by 1595
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa …, Bry by 1598
A Ilhae Cidade De Goa Metropolitana Da Indiae Partes ..., Linschoten by 1595
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by 1596
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by 1598
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by 1598
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by 1598-
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by 1601
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by c.1598
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by c.1599
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by c.1599
A Ilhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientalis que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do Norte ..., Bry by 1601 ca
A large chart of part of the coast of GUZARATT and INDIA from Diu head to ..., Thornton by c. 1716
A Large Chart of Part of the Coasts of Coremandell from Point Pedro to ..., Thornton by 1711
A Large Draught of Part of the Coast of India from Bombay to ..., Thornton by c.1711
A Large Draught of the Mallabar Coast from Bassalore to Cape ..., Thornton by c.1711
A Large Draught of the Mallabar Coast…, Sayer & Bennett by 1778
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the ..., Rennell by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the ..., Rennell by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the ..., Rennell by 1838
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea [2 ..., Wyld by 1838
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, ..., Rennell by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, ..., Rennell by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, R.F.S. ..., Faden by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, R.F.S. ..., Faden by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, R.F.S. ..., Faden by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, R.F.S. ..., Faden by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, R.F.S. ..., Faden by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the Sea by James Rennell, R.F.S. ..., Faden by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi Exhibitnig the Course of the Ganges from Hurdwar to the ..., Rennell by 1786
A Map of Bengal, Bahar, Oude & Allahabad with Part of Agra and Delhi, Exhibiting the Course of the Ganges from Hardwar to the ..., Faden by 1786
A Map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul Empire, form the latest ..., Cary by 1792
A Map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul Empire: from the Latest ..., Rennell by 1788
A Map of India on the West Side of the Ganges ..., Bowen by 1740
A Map of India on the West Side of the Ganges ..., Bowen by 1764
A Map of India on the West Side of the Ganges ..., Bowen by 1764
A Map of India on the West Side of the Ganges ..., Bowen by c.1750
A Map Of India On The West Side Of the Ganges Comprehending the Coasts of Malabar, Cormandel, and the Island ..., Bowen by 1748
A Map of India, on the West Side of the Ganges Comprehending the Coasts of Malabar, Cormandel, and the Island of ..., Harris by 1764
A Map of India, on the West Side of the Ganges Comprehending the Coasts of Malabar, Cormandel, and the Island of ..., Anonymous by c.1770
A Map of Indostan or the Great Mogol's Empire, London Magazine by 1760-75
A Map of Indostan or the Great Mogol's Empire, Kitchin by 1769
A Map of North Bahar, Rennell by 1779
A Map of South Bahar, including the course of the Ganges to ..., Rennell by 1779
A Map of the Coast of Malabar Madura & Cormandel, Churchill by 1704
A Map of the Coast of Malabar Madura and Cormendel, Churchill by 1704
A Map of the Countries round Surat and Bombay in the East Indies ..., London Magazine by c.1770
A Map of the Countries Round Surat and Bombay in the East ..., Kitchin by 1759
A Map of the Mouth of the Ganges in the Bay of Bengal shewing the English Settlements lately Destroyed by the Nabob of the ..., Jefferys by 1757
A Map of the North Part of Hindostan or A Geographical Survey of the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar, Awd, Ellahabad, Agra and Delhi. by Major James Rennell F.R.S. Engineer Surveyor General to the Honourable the East India Company . . . ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Map of the North Part of Hindostan, or a Geographical Survey of the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar, Awd, Ellahabad, Agrah and Delhi. By Major James Rennel, F.R.S. Engineer. Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1788/1794
A Map of the North Part of Hindostan, or a Geographical Survey of the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar, Awd, Ellahabad, Agrah and Delhi. By Major James Rennel, F.R.S. Engineer. Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India ..., Rennell by 1794
A Map of the North Part of Hindostan, or a Geographical Survey of the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar, Awd, Ellahabad, Agrah and Delhi. By Major James Rennel, F.R.S. Engineer. Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1796
A Map of the Peninsula of India and the Island of Ceylon, Bew by 1783
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1792
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1792
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1792-1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1792-1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1793/1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1795
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1800
A Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th Degree North Latitude to Cape Comorin, ..., Faden by 1802
A Map of the Provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude, and Ellahabad, Comprehending the Countries Lying between Dehi, and the Bengal-Provinces, Surveyed by Major James Rennell, Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India Company ..., Rennell by 1777
A Map of the Provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude, and Ellahabad, Comprehending the Countries Lying between Dehi, and the Bengal-Provinces, Surveyed by Major James Rennell, Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India Company ..., Rennell by 1777
A Map of the Provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude, and Ellahabad, Comprehending the Countries Lying between Dehi, and the Bengal-Provinces, Surveyed by Major James Rennell, Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India Company ..., Rennell by 1794
A Map of the Provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude, and Ellahabad, Comprehending the Countries Lying between Dehi, and the Bengal-Provinces, Surveyed by Major James Rennell, Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India Company ..., Rennell by 1794
A Map of the Provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude, and Ellahabad, comprehending the countries lying between Delhi, and the ..., Dury by 1777/1786
A Map of the Provinces of Delhi, Agrah, Oude, and Ellahabad, comprehending the countries lying between Delhi, and the ..., Dury by 1786
A Mapp of the Greate River Ganges, as it Emptieth itselfe into the Bay of Bengala. Taken from a Draught Made upon the Place, by the Agents for the English East India Company, Never before Made ..., Thornton by 1703-1716
A Mapp of the Greate River Ganges, as it Emptieth itselfe into the Bay of Bengala. Taken from a Draught Made upon the Place, by the Agents for the English East India Company, Never before Made ..., Thornton by c.1711
A Mapp of the Greate River Ganges, as it Emptieth itselfe into the Bay of Bengala. Taken from a Draught Made upon the Place, by the Agents for the English East India Company, Never before Made ..., Thornton by c.1711
A Mapp of the Greate River Ganges, as it Emptieth itselfe into the Bay of Bengala. Taken from a Draught Made upon the Place, by the Agents for the English East India Company, Never before Made ..., Thornton by c.1750
A new & accurate map of the Empire of the Great Mogul…, Bowen by 1747
A new & Correct Chart shewing...Bay of Bengalen…, Sayer & Bennett by 1778
A New and Accurate Map of Bengal Drawn from the Best Authorities. By Thos. Kitchen ..., London Magazine by 1760
A New and Accurate Map of Cormandel, Malabar, Bengal &c. Exhibiting the Principal European Settlements in the East ..., Universal Magazine by 1756
A New and Accurate Map of the Northern Coast of Choramandel in the East Indies; Drawn from the Best Authorities by T. Kitchen, ..., London Magazine by 1760
A New and Accurate Map of the Seat of the Late War on the Coast of Choromandel in the East ..., Entick by 1763
A New and Correct Chart Shewing the Goeing over the Braces with Sands Shoals Depth of Water and Anchorage from Point Palmiras to Hughley in the Bay of ..., Thornton by c.1711
A New and Improved Map of India, Walker by 1822
A New and Improved Map of India, Rennell by 1831
A New Chart of Part of the Coast of Coremandell from Aregon to ..., Thornton/Mount & Page by 1734
A New Chart of Part of the Coast of Coremandell from Armegon to ..., Thornton by 1711
A New Chart of Part of the Coast of Coremandell from Armegon to ..., Thornton by 1716 c.
A New Chart of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with the Adjacent Islands, From the Draughts and Observations of Capt. Phineas Hunt, Capt. Mackay, capt. John Ritchie and other ..., Heather by 1803
A New Chart of the Braces and Sea Reefs at the Entrance of Hoogly River, with the Course of that River up to the Town of ..., Sayer by c.1785
A New Chart of the Coast of Orixa and Galconda, Thornton/Mount & Page by 1734
A New Chart of the Coast of Orixa and Galconda Carefully Corrected and Compared with the French Charts Published in ..., Anonymous by c.1750
A New Chart of the Gulf or Bay of Bengal with Part of the Indian Ocean, as Far as the ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A New Chart of the Gulf or Bay of Bengal with Part of the Indian Ocean, as Far as the ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1797
A New Chart of the Indian Ocean Drawn from the Best ..., Norie by 1814
A New Chart of the Indian Ocean Drawn from the Best ..., Norie by 1833-41
A New Map of Hindoostan from the Latest Authorities, Cary by 1806
A New Map Of Hindoostan From The Latest Authorities ..., Cary by 1806
A New Map of Hindoostan, from the Latest Authorities, Cary by 1806
A New Map of the Jaghir Lands, on the Coast of Coromandel, or the Territory Belonging to the East India Company round Madras. From an Actual Survey in the Possession of the ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A New Map of the Jaghir Lands, on the Coast of Coromandel, or the Territory Belonging to the East India Company round Madras. From an Actual Survey in the Possession of the ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A New Map of the Jaghir Lands, on the Coast of Coromandel, The Territory Belonging To The East India Company Round Madras From An Actual Survey In The Possession Of The ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A New Map of the Seat of War on the Coast of Malabar & Coromandel in the Empire of the Great ..., Kitchin by 1763
A New Map of the Seat of War on the Coast of Malabar & Coromandel, in the Empire of the Great ..., Kitchin by 1763
A New Mapp of the Island of Bombay and Sallset, Thornton by c.1711
A New Mapp Of The Island Of Zeloan, Thornton by 1703
A Newly Constructed and Improved Map of India,, Walker by 1846
A Plan of Bombay Harbour, on the Coast of Malabar. Shewing the True Situation of All the Rocks, Sands & Shoals ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1788
A Plan of Bombay Harbour, on the Coast of Malabar. Shewing the True Situation of All the Rocks, Sands & Shoals ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Plan of Fort St. George and the City of Madras, Moll by 1739
A Plan of Fort St. George and the City of Madras, Moll by 1740
A Plan of Fort St. George and the City of Madras, Moll by 1744
A Plan of Fort St. George, and the City of Madras, Moll by 1739
A Plan of Fort St. George, and the City of Madras, Salmon by 1747
A Plan of the Battle of Plassey, fought 23d June, 1757, by Coll. Robt. Clive against the Nabob of ..., London Magazine by 1760
A Plan of the Battle of Plassey, Fought 23d. June, 1757, by Coll. Robt. Clive, against the Nabob of ..., London Magazine by 1760
A Plan of the Battle of Plassey, Fought 23d. June, 1757, by Coll. Robt. Clive, against the Nabob of ..., London Magazine by c.1760
A Plan of the Town and Fortress of Garlah belonging to Angria the Admiral to the Johou Rajah on the Coast of ..., Anonymous by 1756
A Plan of the Town and Fortress of Garlah belonging to Angria the Admiral to the Johou Rajah on the Coast of ..., Anonymous by 1756
A Reduced Chart of Bombay Harbour ..., Herbert by 1779
A Sketch of Coringa Bay ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Sketch of Coringa Bay ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
A Travelling Game of India Designed to Afford Instruction and Amusement in the Home ..., Puzzles & Games - Infrequent Publishers by c.1840
A Trigonometric Survey of the Bay of Coringa, British Admiralty by 1791
A Trigonometric Survey of the Bay of Coringa, British Admiralty by c.1840
A Trigonometric Survey of the Bay of Coringa, British Admiralty by c.1840
A Trigonometric Survey of the Bay of Coringa, British Admiralty by c.1840
Aanwysing der Voornaamste Wooningen, Poorten, Thuynen, Tanken, enz: op Hoegly Ao. ..., Valentijn by 1726
Abington's Panoramic View Map Of India, ABINGTON by 1858 c.
Abington’s Panoramic View Map of Delhi and the Surrounding ..., Abington by c. 1857
Abington’s Panoramic View of India, Abington by c. 1857
Accurater Geographischer Entwurf der ... Stadt und Vestung Trankenbar ..., SEUTTER [Family] by 1745
Accurater Geographischer Entwurf der ... Stadt und Vestung Trankenbar ..., SEUTTER [Family] by 1745-
Accurater Geographischer Entwurf der ... Stadt und Vestung Trankenbar ..., SEUTTER [Family] by 1745-
Accurater Geographischer Entwurf der ... Stadt und Vestung Trankenbar ... [in set with] Grund-Riss und Prospect der Koniglichen Danischen auf der Kuste Choromandel in Ost-Indien Belegenen Vestung und Stadt Dansburg u: Trankenbar ..., Seutter by 1745 c
Accurater Geographischer Entwurf der Königlichen Dänischen auf der Küste Choromandel in Ost-Indien belegenen Stadt und Vestung Trankenbar oder Tarangenbadi u ..., Seutter by c. 1740
Agra die Haupt Residenz Stadt des Gross Mogols in Indien / Agra Ville Capitale et Residence du Grand Mogol aux ..., Haberman by 1780
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1595
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1595-
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1596
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1596
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1596
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1596
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1598
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1598
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1598
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda da ..., Linschoten by 1598
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do ..., Bry by 1598
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda do ..., Bry by 1599
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae partes Orientais que esta en 15 Graos da Banda do ..., Bry by 1599
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientais que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda do ..., Bry by 1599
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientals que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda ..., Bry by 1599
Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolitana da Indiae Partes Orientals que Esta en 15 Graos da Banda ..., Bry by 1599
Ailhae cidade de Goa metropolitana da Indiae…, Bry by 1613
An Accurate Map of Hindoostan or India, from the Best ..., Carey by 1814
An Accurate Map of Hindoostan, drawn from the Latest ..., Wilkinson by 1800
An Accurate Map of Hindoostan. . ., Wilkinson by 1794
An Accurate Map of Hindostan or India from the Best ..., Carey by 1814
An Accurate Map of Hindostan or India from the Best ..., Carey by 1814
An Actual Survey of the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar &c. By Major James Rennell, Engineer, Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India Company ..., Rennell by 1776
An Actual Survey of the Provinces of Bengal, Bahar &c. By Major James Rennell, Engineer, Surveyor General to the Honourable East-India Company ..., Rennell by 1794
Ancienne Isle Taprobane, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Ancienne Isle Taprobane, Manesson-Mallet by 1686
Ancienne Region Des Sines, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Anfa, Quibusdam Anaffa [on sheet with] Azaamurum [and] Div [and] Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1574
Anfa, Quibusdam Anaffa [on sheet with] Azaamurum [and] Div [and] Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1577
Anfa, Quibusdam Anaffa [on sheet with] Azaamurum [and] Div [and] Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1579
Anglo-Persian Map of India, TASSIN by 1837
Asiae Tabula decima continent Indiam intra Gangem, Ptolemy/Germanus by 1482
Asiae Tabula Decima Continet Indiam intra Gangem, Fries by 1541
Asiae Tabula Decima Continet Indiam intra Gangem, Fries by 1541
Asiae Tabula Decima Continet Indiam intra Gangem, Fries by 1541
Asiae Tabula Decima Continet Indiam intra Gangem [Title on ..., Ptolemy/Fries by 1541
Asiae Tabula Decima Continet Indiam Intra Gangem [Title on ..., Ptolemy/Fries by 1541
Asiae X Tab:, Ptolemy/Mercator by 1618
Asiae X Tab:, Ptolemy/Mercator by 1695 c
Asiae X Tab:, Ptolemy/Mercator by 1695 c.
Asiae X Tab:, Ptolemy/Mercator by 1730
Asiae X Tab: [in set with] Asiae XII Tab:, Mercator [Family] by 1578-1618
Assam et Boutan, Vandermaelen by 1825
Baay van Tricoen Male, Valentijn by 1728
Bassora en de Landschappen tussen de Eufrat en Tiger Stroom, een Gedeelte van Persien, de Indiaanze Zee en Kusten, tot aan de Straat ..., Aa by 1706
Bassora en de Landschappen tussen de Eufrat en Tiger Stroom, een Gedeelte van Persien, de Indiaanze Zee en Kusten, tot aan de Straat ..., Aa by c.1714
Bassora en de Landschappen tussen de Eufrat en Tiger Stroom, een Gedeelte van Persien, de Indiaanze Zee en Kusten, tot aan de Straat ..., Aa by early 18th c.
Baye de Trinquemale, Prevost by 1750 ca.
Baye, Ville et Forst d'Andarajapour a la Coste de ..., Bellin by 1763
Beloutchistan, Vandermaelen by 1825
Bengal and Behar, Shewing the New Subdivisional Arrangements since ..., JAMES by 1866
Bengala, Langenes by 1598
Bengala, Langenes by 1598
Bengala, Bertius by 1598-1609
Bengala, Bertius by 1602
Bengala, Bertius by 1602
Bengala, Bertius by 1612
Bengala, Bertius by 1618
Bengale, Vandermaelen by 1825
Bengale, Vandermaelen by 1827
British India, Tallis by 1845 ca.
British India, Rapkin by 1848
British India, Tallis by 1850
British India, Tallis by 1850
British India, Tallis by 1850-54
British India, Tallis by 1850-60
British India, Tallis by 1851
British India, Tallis by 1851
British India, Tallis by 1851
British India, Tallis by 1851
British India, Tallis by 1851
British India, Tallis by 1851
British India, Tallis by 1851
BRITISH INDIA, Tallis by 1851 c
BRITISH INDIA, Tallis by 1851 c
British India, Tallis by 1851 c
BRITISH INDIA, Tallis by 1860 c
BRITISH INDIA, Tallis by 1860 c
British India, Rand, McNally & Co. by 1882
British India, Tallis by c. 1851
British India, Tallis by c.1850
British India, Tallis by c.1851
British India, Tallis by c.1860
British India Southern Part [in set with] British India Northern ..., Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
British India, Northern Part, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
British India, Northern Part [in set with] British India, Southern ..., Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
British India, Northern Part [on sheet with] British India, Southern ..., Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
British India, Northern Part. [in set with] British India, Southern ..., Thomson [& Co.] by 1816-17
British India, Northern Part; Cabul; Nepaul, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
British India, Southern Part, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
British India, Southern Part, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
British Possessions in the Indian Seas, Fullarton [& Co.] by 1862
Cabool, The Punjab And Belochistan, Tallis by 1851
Cabool, the Punjab and Beloochistan, Tallis by 1845 ca.
Cabool, The Punjab and Beloochistan, Tallis by 1850
Calcutta, Renouard by 1836
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1836
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1840 ca.
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1840 ca.
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1844
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1844
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1844
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by c.1840
Calcutta, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by c.1850
Calechut, Meisner by 1642
Calechut, Meisner by 1642
Calechut, Meisner by 1642
Calechut, Meisner by 1642
Calechut, Meisner by c.1630
Calechut Celeberimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor[and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572-1618
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1575
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1577
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1580
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1580
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by c.1575
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by c.1580
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by c.1580
Calechut Celeberrimum Indiae Emporium [on sheet with] Ormus [and] Canonor [and] S. Georgii Oppidum ..., Braun & Hogenberg by c. 1572
Calecut Nova Tabula, Gastaldi by 1548
Calecut Nova Tavola, Gastaldi by 1548
Calecut Nova Tavola, Gastaldi by 1548
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561-74
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561-74
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561-98
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561-98
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1561-99
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1562
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1564
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1574
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1574
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1574
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1574
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1574
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1574
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1598
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1598
Calecut Nuova Tavola, Ruscelli by 1598
Calecuty Regnum, Metellus by 1596
Cambaia, Langenes by 1598
Cambaia, Bertius by 1598-1609
Cambaia, Bertius by 1602
Cambaia, Bertius by 1606
Cambaia, Hondius/Bertius by 1616
Cambaia, Bertius by 1616
Cambaia, Bertius by 1616
Cambaia, Bertius by 1618
Cambaia., Langenes by 1600
Cambaya Oriss Delli Decan, Munster by 1550 c.
Cananoor, Valentijn by 1724
Cananoor, KEULEN [Family] by 1752-57
Cananoor, KEULEN [Family] by 1752-57
Cananor, Valentijn by 1726
Cananor, Anonymous by c.1780
Cantonments, City and Environs of Allahabad, GOVERNMENT MAPS: LOCAL & STATE by 1869
Captn. Lawrence's Military Plan of Delhi and its ..., MILITARY MAPS - INFREQUENT PUBLISHERS by 1857
Carta dell'Indostan ..., Bellin by 1752
Carta Particolare del Mare d'India sino allo Stretto di Sunda fra l'Isole di Sumatra e di Java Maggire. con altre Isolette e Scogli Scopto. d'Inglesi ..., Dudley by 1646
Carta Particolare del Mare d'India sino allo Stretto di Sunda fra l'Isole di Sumatra e di Java Maggire. con altre Isolette e Scogli Scopto. d'Inglesi ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Carta Particolare dell Mare de Lindie con la Parte Tramontana de l'Isola S: Lorenzo ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Carta Particolare dell Mare de Lindie con la Parte Tramontana de l'Isola S: Lorenzo ..., Dudley by 1647
Carta Particolare dell Mare de Lindie con la Parte Tramontana de l'Isola S: Lorenzo ..., Dudley by c.1646-47
Carta Particolare dell Mare dell Indie con le Secaie e Alcqune Isolle ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Carta Particolare dell Mare dell Indie con le Secaie e Alcqune Isolle ..., Dudley by 1661
Carta Particolare della Parte Tramontana dell Isola di San Lorenzo con la Costa Diripetto sino a Monbazza con l'Isole e Seccagne Intno. ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Carte d'une Partie du Cours de la Riviere d'Hoogly et des Environs de ..., MANUSCRIPT MAPS by 1781-
Carte De Bombay et de ses Environs, Prevost by 1750 ca.
Carte de Bombay et de ses Environs, Bellin/Van Schley by 1770
Carte de Bombay et ses Environs, Bellin by 1749
Carte de l' Inde en deca du Gange Comprenant l' Indoustan &c. [together with] Suite de la Carte de l' Inde en deca du Gange lle. Feuille Comprenant la Presqu' Isle de l' ..., Bellin by 1752
Carte de l' Indoustan Suivant les Cartes les plus recentes, Conciliees avec les Relations et les details Geographiques inseres dans l' Histoire Generale des ..., Bellin by 1752
Carte de l' Isle de Ceylan…, Bellin/Van Schley by 1750
Carte de l'Archipel au Nord de l'Isle de France, Grenier by 1776
Carte de l'Inde, Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes, Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes, Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes par le Sr. d'Anville Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans Novembre ..., Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes par le Sr. d'Anville Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans Novembre ..., Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes par le Sr. d'Anville Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans Novembre ..., Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes par le Sr. d'Anville Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans Novembre ..., Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes par le Sr. d'Anville Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans Novembre ..., Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde Dressee pour la Compagnie des Indes par le Sr. d'Anville Secretaire de S.A.S.Mgr. le Duc d'Orleans Novembre ..., Anville by 1752
Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange Comprenant l'Indoustan &c. ..., Bellin by 1752
Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange Comprenant l'Indoustan &c. ..., Bellin by 1752
Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange Comprenant l'Indoustan &c. ..., Bellin by 1752
Carte de l'Indoustan Ie Feuille [and] 1ie Feuille, comprenant la Presqu' Isle de l' Inde. ..., Bellin by 1760 ca.
Carte de l'Indoustan Iie Feuille, comprenant la Presqu' Isle de l' Inde. ..., Bellin by 1760 ca.
Carte de l'Indoustan… 1e. Feuille [and] Suite de la Carte de ..., Bellin/Van Schley by 1752
Carte de L'Isle de Ceylan, Delisle by 1730 ca.
CARTE DE L'ISLE DE CEYLAN, Covens & Mortier by 1740 ca.
Carte De L'Isle de Ceylan, Bellin by 1750
Carte de L'Isle De Ceylan, Bellin by 1750
Carte de L'Isle de Ceylan, Delisle by 1782
Carte de l'Ocean Oriental, ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte de l'Ocean Oriental, ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by c.1755
CARTE DE L’INDOUSTAN ... Ie. FEUILLE, Bellin by 1752
CARTE DE L’ISLE DE CEYLAN, Delisle by 1722- ca 1726
Carte de la Cote de Guzerat, du Golfe de Cambaye et des Cotes de Concan et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1745
Carte de la Cote de Guzerat, du Golfe de Cambaye et des Cotes de Concan et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte de la Cote de Guzerat, du Golfe de Cambaye et des Cotes de Concan et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte de la Cote de Guzerat, du Golfe de Cambaye et des Cotes de Concan et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte de la Cote de Guzerat, du Golfe de Cambaye et des Cotes de Concan et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by c.1775
Carte de la Cote Orientale du Golfe de Bengale, Delahaye by 1760 ca
Carte de la Partie Inferieure de l' Inde en Deca du Gange contenant l' Isle de Ceylan, les Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel; avec le Pays compris entre ces ..., Bonne by 1780
Carte de la Partie Inferieure de l' Inde en deça du Gange conternant l'Isle de Ceylan, les Côtes de Malabar et de ..., Bonne by 1770 ca.
Carte de la Partie Inferieure De L'Inde En Deca Du Gange - contenant Lisle De Ceylan, Les Cotes De Malabar Et De Coromandel:avec Le Pays compris entr ces ..., Bonne by 1787
Carte de la Partie Inferieure de l'Inde en Deca du Gange, Contenant l'Isle de Ceylan, les Cotes de Malabar, et de ..., Bonne by 1780
Carte de la Partie Inferieure De L'Inde En Deca Du Gange, Contenat L'Isle De Ceylan, Les Cotes De Malabar Et ..., Bonne by 1780
Carte de la Partie Inferiuere de l'Inde ..., Bonne by 1780
Carte de la Partie Inferiuere de l'Inde ..., Bonne by c.1770
Carte de la Partie Meridionale de la Presqu'ile de L'Inde en Deca du ..., Brion de la Tour by 1770 ca
Carte de la Partie Meridionale... [in set with] …Septentionale de la presqu'isle de l'Inde en deca du ..., Brion de la Tour by 1790-98
Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de la Presqu'ile de l'Inde en Deca du ..., Brion de la Tour by 1780
Carte de la Partie Septentrionale de la Presqu'ile de ..., Brion de la Tour by 1780
Carte de la Partie Superieure de l'Inde en deca du Gange … [in set with] Carte de la Partie Inferieurede l'Inde en deca du Gange conternant l'Isle de Ceylan, les Côtes de Malabar et de ..., Bonne by 1770 ca.
Carte de la Partie Superieure de l'Inde en deca du Gange Comprise entre la Cote du Concan et celle d'Orixaa avec l'Empire du Mogol, le Bengale le Re. d'Asham, Partie de ceux d'Ava et de ..., Bonne by 1780
Carte de la Partie Superieure de l'Inde en deca du Gange Comprise entre la Cote du Concan et celle d'Orixaa avec l'Empire du Mogol, le Bengale le Re. d'Asham, Partie de ceux d'Ava et de ..., Bonne by 1780
Carte de la Partie Superieure de l'Inde en deca du Gange Comprise entre la Cote du Concan et celle d'Orixaa avec l'Empire du Mogol, le Bengale le Re. d'Asham, Partie de ceux d'Ava et de ..., Bonne by 1780
Carte de la Partie Superieure de l'Inde en Deca du Gange, Comprise Entre la Cote du Concan et Celle ..., Bonne by 1770
Carte de Toutes les Isles Connues a la Coste de Zanguebar et ..., DIDOT [Family] by 1746
Carte des Costes de Perse, Guzarat et Malabar, Bellin by 1773
Carte des Cotes de Guzerat, de Concan et de Canara. 1798, Depot de la Marine by c.1825
Carte des Côtes de Malabar et Coromandel, Delisle by 1733 c.
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle by 1722
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle by 1723
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by 1723
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle by 1723
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle by 1723
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle by 1733
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Ottens [Family] by 1735
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by 1740
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by 1780 c
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, SCHENK [Family] by c.1720
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, SCHENK [Family] by c.1720
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, SCHENK [Family] by c.1720
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, SCHENK [Family] by c.1725
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by c.1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by c.1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle by c.1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by c.1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by c.1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by c.1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Covens & Mortier by c.1750
CARTE DES CÔTES DE MALABAR ET DE COROMANDEL, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by 1730 c
CARTE DES CÔTES DE MALABAR ET DE COROMANDEL, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by 1730 c
Carte des Côtes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Delisle by 1730 ca.
Carte des Côtes de Malabar et de Coromandel, Schenk by 1735
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel Presentee au Roy, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by 1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel Presentee au Roy, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by 1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel Presentee au ..., Delisle/Schenk by 1730
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel…, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by 1733
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel…, Delisle/Schenk by 1733
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel…, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by 1733
Carte des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel…, Delisle/Covens & Mortier by c. 1730
Carte des Declinaisons et Inclinaisons de l'Aiguille Aimantee ..., Buffon by c.1780
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1661
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1665
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1665
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1665
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1665
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1665 / 1677
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1677
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1677
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1677
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1677
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1677
Carte des Indes Orientales par P. Du Val Geographe Ordinaire du ..., Duval by 1677
Carte des Isles et Bancs Nommes Adu et Candu, Chagas ..., Grenier by 1776
Carte des Missions des PP. De la Compagnie de Jesua dans le Madure et les Royaumes ..., Anonymous by 1780
Carte du Bengale, Bahar, & Levée par le Major Rennel Ingénieur de la Companie des Indes orientales. Publiée à Londres sur un Dessin Cominiqué par les ..., Rennell by 1782
Carte du District de Tranquebar, Bellin by 1760 ca.
Carte du District de Tranquebar, Bellin by c. 1760
Carte du District de Tranquebar, Bellin by c.1760
Carte du Golfe de Bengale, Mer des Indes, et Riviere du Gange ..., Aa by 1729
Carte du Golfe de Bengale, Mer des Indes, et Riviere du ..., Aa by 1720
Carte du Golfe du Bengale, Depot de la Marine by 1839
Carte du Golphe de Bengale, Bellin by 1760 ca.
Carte Du Golphe De Bengale. . ., Bellin by 1740
Carte du Golphe de Cambaye, Bellin by 1763
Carte du Port de Goa et ses Environs, Bellin by 1764
Carte Generale du Cours du Gange et du Gagra dressee sur les Cartes ..., Anquetil-Duperron by 1784
Carte Generale du Cours du Gange et du Gagra dressee sur les Cartes particulieres du P. Tiefentaller, J. Missionaire Apostolique dand l'Inde. Par m. Antequetil du Peron . . ..., Anquetil-Duperron by 1784
Carte Hydro-Topographique de l'Indou-Stan …, LEGOUX DE FLAIX by 1807
Carte Nouvelle des Terres de Cucan, de Canara, de Malabar, de Madura, et de ..., Chatelain by 1719
Carte Nouvelle des Terres de CUCAN, de CANARA, de MALABAR, de MADURA,m et de ..., Chatelain by 1719
Carte nouvelle des Terres de Cucan. . ., Chatelain by 1728
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les ..., Mortier by 1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by 1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by 1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by 1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by 1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by c.1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by c.1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by c.1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by c.1700
Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives / Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Covens & Mortier by c.1710
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend l'Isle de Ceylon et une Partie des Cotes de Malabar et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by c.1775
Carte Plate qui Comprend la Partie Septentrionale de la Cote de Coromandel et les Cotes de Golconde, d'Oricha, et de ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Archipel du Nord-Est de l'Isle Madagascar, depuis la Ligne Equinoctiale jusqu'au 21d. 30m. de Latitude ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Archipel du Nord-Est de l'Isle Madagascar, depuis la Ligne Equinoctiale jusqu'au 21d. 30m. de Latitude ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775-81
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental, Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental, Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, jusqu'au ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1753
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, jusqu'au ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1753-75
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, jusqu'au ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1771
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1740
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1740
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1740
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1740
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by 1767
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental ou Mer des Indes ..., Bellin by c.1755
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental Septentrional ..., Apres de Mannevillette by c.1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental, depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance jusqu'a l'Isle ..., DEZAUCHE by 1815-
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Oriental, depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance jusqu'a l'Isle ..., Apres de Mannevillette by c.1775
Carte Reduite de l'Ocean Orientale qui Contient la Cote d'Afrique, depuis le 9e. Degre de Latitude Meridionale jusqu'au 30e. avec l'Isle Madagascar et les Isles ..., Apres de Mannevillette by c.1775
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde ..., Bellin by 1750
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde ..., Bellin by 1766
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde ..., Bellin by 1766
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde ..., Bellin by 1766
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde ..., Bellin by 1766
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde ..., Bellin by 1766
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde ..., Bellin by 1766
Carte Reduite de la Presque Isle de l'Inde…, Bellin by 1766
Carte Reduite du Canal de Mozambique et des Isles de Madagascar de France de Bourbon de Rodrigues et ..., Bellin by 1749
Carte Reduite du Canal de Mozambique et des Isles de Madagascar de France de Bourbon de Rodrigues et ..., Bellin by 1767
Carte Reduite du Canal de Mozambique et des Isles de Madagascar de France de Bourbon de Rodrigues et ..., Bellin by 1767
Carte Reduite du Golfe de Bengale ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1745
Carte von Ost=Indien oder desjenigen Theisl von Asien . . ., HEIDEN by 1760
Cartes Nouvelle des Terres de Cucan, de Canara, de Malabar, de Madura, et de Coromandel ..., Chatelain by c.1720
Ceilan insula, Mercator/Hondius by 1610
Ceilan Insula, Mercator/Hondius by 1610 ca.
Ceilan Insula, Mercator/Hondius by 1610 ca.
Ceilan Insula, Hondius/Purchas by 1625
Ceilan insula, Mercator/Hondius by 1650 ca
Central Division of Hindoostan, Cary by 1816
Central Division of Hindoostan, Cary by 1816
Ceylan et les Maldives, Sanson by 1683 ca.
Ceylan, et les Maldives, Sanson by 1652
Ceylon, Arrowsmith, Jr. by 1817
CEYLON, Tallis by 1845 ca.
Ceylon, Tallis by 1850
Ceylon, Arrowsmith by 1884
Ceylon, Cram [& Co.] by 1892
Ceylon, Cram [& Co.] by 1894
Ceylon I., Bertius by 1618
Ceylon olim Taprobana, Seutter by 1740 ca
Ceylon olim Taprobana incolia Tenarisin et Lekawn dicta maxima et simul ditissima Maris Indici ..., Lotter by 1750
Ceylon olim Taprobana incolis Tenarisin et Lekawn dicta, Seutter by 1740 ca.
Chart of the Coasts of Sindh and Kutch ..., British Admiralty by 1866-67
Chart of the Coromandel Coast …Sheet No. 1 [in set with] Sheet No. 2 [and] Sheet No. ..., Fell by 1848
Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John ..., Delahaye by 1772
Chart of the Northern Part of The BAY of BENGAL Laid down chiefly from the SURVEYS made by Bartholomew Plaisted AND John ..., Dalrymple by 1775
Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John ..., Dalrymple by 1775
Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John ..., Apres de Mannevillette by c.1775
Charte von Hindostan und der Halbinsel nach Rennels, Campbells, Pringles, Diroms, Zeichnungen entworfen von C. Mannert. . . . ..., Schneider by 1797
Charte von Indostan, ENDNER by 1800
Charte von Indostan, Endner by 1800
Charte Von Ost-Indien Diesseits Des Ganges, Geographisches Institut by 1811
Choromandel en Malabar, Valentijn by 1726
Citadelle de Diu, LAFITAU by 1733
City of Calcutta, Survey of India by 1912
Coast of Western India from Cape Comorin to Bombay Compiled Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Order of the Honourable East India ..., Imray, Sr. by 1862
Colombo - Gale., Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Colton's Hindostan or British India, Colton [& Co.] by 1868
Coromandel, Anville by 1753
Coromandel, Anville by 1753
Coromandel Pare le S' d'Anville, Janvier by 1753
Coromandel. Par le Sr. d'Anville ..., Anville by 1753
Coronation Durbar Delhi 1911, Wymer by c. 1911
Costa de Choromandel, MANUSCRIPT MAPS by c.1690
COSTE DE COROMANDEL depuis Gondagamas jusqu'a ..., Bellin by 1764
Coste de Coromandel et les Pays de Tonda, Mandalum et ..., Bellin by 1764
Cour du Grand Mogol, Schley by 1760
Coylang, Kip by 1682
Coylang, Nieuhoff by 1682
Cranganor, Renneville by 1725
Das Hochste Gebiet der Himalaya-Lander. Nach den Standpunkte der Erkenntnisse in ..., Petermann by 1875
Das Reich des Grossen Mogols, Hafner by c.1680
De Eilanden Maldives…, Aa by 1707
De Eilenden Maldives of Voormuur van Indien met der Selver Tussen-Gelegen ..., Aa by c.1706
De Golf van Bengala, Doncker by c.1670
De Grond Tekening van de Fortresse Coylan, Valentijn by 1724
De Grond Tekening van de Fortresse Coylan, Malabar, KEULEN [Family] by 1752-57
De koninkryken van Golconda, Tanassari, Pegu en aracam aande Golf van ..., Aa by 1710 ca
De Kust van Dabul, Valentijn by 1724
De Kust van Dabul, KEULEN [Family] by 1752-57
De Land-Reyes, door Benedictus Goes, van Lahor gedaan, door Tartaryen na ..., Aa by 1706
De Land-Reyse, door Benedictus Goes van Lahor gedaan door Tartaryen na ..., Aa by 1706
De Rivier van Suratta, Valentijn by 1726
De Stad Coetsjien Gelegen op de Cust van Malabar, Valentijn by 1724
De Stadt Coetsjien, KEULEN [Family] by 1752-57
De Stadt Dabul, Valentijn by 1724
De Stadt Dabul, KEULEN [Family] by 1752-57
Decima Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy by 1490
Decima Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy by 1490
Decima Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy by 1507
Decima Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy/Fries by 1511
Decima Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy/Fries by 1511
Decima Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513
Decima Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513
Decima Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513
Decima Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513-1520
Delhi and its Environs, Stanford by 1857
DER SIKH-STAAT, Flemming by 1850 c
Descriptio Nova Imperii Malabar, Canara, Decan; et Aliarum ..., Baldaeus by 1672
Descriptio Nova Imperii Malabar, Canara, Decan; et Aliarum ..., Baldaeus by 1672
Descriptio Regni Malabar, Bertius/Claesz by 1600
Description de la partie des Indes orientales qu est sous la domination du grand ..., Thevenot by 1663
Description de la Partie des Indes Orientales qui est sous la Domination du Grand ..., Thevenot by 1663
Description de la Partie des Indes Orientales qui est sous la Dominations du Grand ..., Thevenot by 1663
Description de la Partie des Indes Orientales qui est sous la Dominations du Grand ..., Thevenot by 1663-
Description de la Partie des Indes Orientales qui est sous la Dominations du Grand ..., Purchas by 1683
Description de la Partie des Indes Orientales qui est sous la Dominations du Grand ..., Thevenot by 1683
Die Halb Insul Indiens Disseit des Ganges mit den Konigreichen Decan, Golconda, Bisnagar und den Kusten Malabar und ..., Hafner by c.1680
Die Stadt Frankenbar and fort Dansburg, Anonymous by 1750 ca.
Die Stadt Frankenbar and Fort Dansburg, MANUSCRIPT MAPS by c.1750
Diu in Arabia, Meisner by 1623-78
Diu in Arabia, Meisner by 1638
East Indies, RUSSELL by 1795
Empire de Mogol, Morden by 1680
Empire de Mogol, Morden by 1688 c
Empire de Mogol by Robt. Morden, Morden by 1680
Empire de Mogol by Robt. Morden, Morden by 1687
Empire de Mogol by Robt. Morden, Morden by 1688
Empire de Mogol by Robt. Morden, Morden by 1688
Empire des Mongols au XIIIe Siecle, Dufour by c.1840
Empire du Mogol, Duval by 1682
Esquisse de la Vallee du Setledje dans les Monts Himilaya avec la Route du Lieut. Gerard. ..., Malte-Brun by 1823
Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast, Belonging to the East India Company of ..., Proud by c. 1760
Gangetic Hindoostan, or the Countries occupied by the Ganges and its ..., Cary by 1816
Genealogie des Empereurs Mogols ..., Chatelain by c.1720
Genealogie Des Empereurs Mogols Depuis Tambelan, Chatelain by 1720 ca.
Genealogie des Empereurs Mogols Depuis Tamberlan ou Tamerlan Jusques a ..., Chatelain by 1719
General Karte Von Vorderindien, Berghaus by 1836
General Karte von Vorderindien sur Ulberisch der Haupterhaltnisse den Manen James Rennell ..., Perthes [Family and Companies] by 1836
General Karte von Vorderindien sur Ulberisch der Haupterhaltnisse den Manen James Rennell ..., Perthes [Family and Companies] by 1836
Geographical, Historical and Statistical map of India, Lavoisne by 1820
Geographical, Historical and Statistical Map of India, Lavoisne by 1820
Geographical, Historical and Statistical Map of India, Lavoisne by 1821
Geographical, Historical, and Statistical Map of India, Aspin/Lavoisne by 1820
Geology Of India (Second Edition) …, Geological Survey of India by 1893
Gill's Cartographic India and Surrounding States with Railways and Border Trade ..., Gill & Sons by c. 1900
Gli Stati del Mogol e la Penisola delle Indie di qua dal Gange Delineati sulle Ultime ..., Cassini by 1797
Goa, Merian by 1646
Goa, Merian by 1646
Goa, Merian [Family] by 1649
Goa, Merian by 1650
Goa, Merian by 1650
Goa, Merian by 1650
Goa, Merian by 1650
Goa, Merian by 1650
Goa, BALDAEUS by 1672
Goa, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Goa, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Goa, Salmon by 1726
Goa, Salmon by 1726
Goa, Merian [Family] by c.1650
Goa, Merian [Family] by c.1650
Goa, Leopold by c.1720
Goa, Leopold by c.1740
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs ..., Belleforest by 1575
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572-1617
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1572-
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1588
Goa Fortissima Indiae Urbs in Christianorum Potestatem Anno Salutis 1509 Devenit [on sheet with] Diu [and] Azaamurum [and] ..., Braun & Hogenberg by 1617
Goa Indiae Orientalis Metropolis, Wit by 1657 - c.1700
Goa Indiae Orientalis Metropolis, Aa by 1729
Goa Indiae Orientalis Metropolis, Wit by c.1700
Goa Indiae Orientalis Metropolis, Aa by c.1710
Goa Indiae Orientalis Metropolis, Aa by c.1720
Goa., Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Goae Indiae Orientalis Metropolis & Emporij, Linschoten by 1595
Goae Indiae Orientalis Metropolis & Emporij, Linschoten by 1599
Grand Mogol, Covens & Mortier by c.1710
Grund-Riss und Prospect der Koniglichen Danischen auf der Kuste Choromandel in Ost-Indien Belegenen Vestung und Stadt Dansburg u: Trankenbar ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1740
Grund-Riss und Prospect der Koniglichen Danischen auf der Kuste Choromandel in Ost-Indien Belegenen Vestung und Stadt Dansburg u: Trankenbar ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1740
Grund-Riss und Prospect. . . Stadt Dansburg und Trankenbar. . ..., Seutter by c. 1740
Grund=Riss und Prospect der Koniglichen Danischen auf der Kuste Choromandel in Ost-Indien belegenen Vestung und Stadt Dansburg u Tarnkenbar . . ..., Seutter by 1740 c
Grundriss des Franzosischen Haupt-Comtoirs Pondicheri in Ost-Indien, auf der Kuste von ..., Raspe by 1760
Grundriss von Bombay, Bellin by 1750
Grundriss von Madras und dem Fort St. Georg, Bellin by 1750
Grundriss von Pondicheri Im Iahre 1761, Bellin by 1761
Guzerate, Chandeish et Aurungabad, Vandermaelen by 1825
H Koninkryk van Guzaratte met d'Engte van Cambaya en der Selver Vloeden, Volgens de Kundschap der Portugysen, door den Hr. I.B. de Lavanha ..., Aa by 1706
H Koninkryk van Guzaratte met d'Engte van Cambaya..., Aa by 1710
Het Koninkrijk van Bengalen en de Vloeden die zig inde Ganges ..., Aa by 1707
Het Koninkryk van Guzaratte Met d' engte van Cambaya, Aa by 1707
Het Opkomen en Vervolg van de Rievier de Ganges, Keulen by 1753
Het Opkomen on Vervolg van de Riever de Ganges of Hugley ..., KEULEN [Family] by 1753
Hind darshan [a view of Hind/ Hindustan], Anonymous by c 1942-6
Hind, Hindoostan, or India By L.S. de la Rochette, Wyld by 1824
Hind, Hindoostan, or India By L.S. de la Rochette…, Faden by 1788
Hind, Hindoostan, or India. By L.S. De La Rochette. MDCCLXXXVIII. London. Published by William Faden ... 3d. Edition with Considerable Improvements June 1st ..., Faden by 1800
Hind, Hindoostan, or India. By L.S. De La Rochette. MDCCLXXXVIII. London. Published by William Faden ... 3d. Edition with Considerable Improvements June 1st ..., Faden by 1800
Hind, Hindoostan, or India. By L.S. De La Rochette. MDCCLXXXVIII. London. Published by William Faden ... 3d. Edition with Considerable Improvements June 1st ..., Faden by 1800
Hind, Hindoustan, or India, Faden by 1788
Hind, Hindoustan, or India, Faden by 1797
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
Hindoostan, Findlay by 1814
Hindoostan, Cary by 1816
Hindoostan, Smith by 1816
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
Hindoostan, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
Hindoostan, Wyld by 1819
Hindoostan, Morse by 1822
Hindoostan, Butler by 1826
HINDOOSTAN, Hall by 1827
Hindoostan, Hall by 1830
Hindoostan, Starling by 1835 c.
Hindoostan, Tanner by 1836
Hindoostan, Mitchell by 1846
Hindoostan, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. by 1851
Hindoostan, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. by 1854
Hindoostan, Chambers by 1855
Hindoostan, Arrowsmith [Family] by 1857
Hindoostan, MACDONALD by c.1845
Hindoostan divided into Soubahs according to Ayin Acbaree, Wilkinson by 1815
Hindoostan Divided into Soubahs According to the Ayin ..., Wilkinson by 1806
Hindoostan Divided into Soubahs According to the Ayin ..., Wilkinson by c.1806
Hindoostan or British India, Colton [Family] by 1855
Hindoostan or British India, Colton by 1859
Hindoostan or India, RUSSELL by 1811
Hindoostan with the Island of Ceylon Maldivas &c., Laurie & Whittle by 1801
Hindostan, Pinkerton by 1811
Hindostan, Pinkerton by 1814
Hindostan, Playfair by 1821
Hindostan, Lizars by 1826 ca.
Hindostan, Lizars by 1828
Hindostan, Lizars by 1828
Hindostan, Lizars by 1833
Hindostan, Morse by 1856
Hindostan, Lizars by c.1840
Hindostan or British India, Colton by 1855
Hindostan or British India, Colton by 1855
Hindostan or British India, Colton by 1855
Hindostan or British India, Colton by 1855
Hyderabad et Mysore, Vandermaelen by 1825
Idolatres, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by 1720-50
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1730
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1734-1740
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1740
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1740
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1740
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1740
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1740
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1750
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1750
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach ..., SEUTTER [Family] by c.1750
Imperii Magni Mogolis sive Indici Padschach..., Seutter by 1740 c
Impero del Gran Mogol, Coronelli by 1690
Impero del Gran Mogol, Coronelli by 1692
Impero Del Gran Mogol, Coronelli by 1692-96
Impero del Gran Mogol, Albrizzi by 1740
Impero del Gran Mogol, Coronelli by c.1700
Impero del Gran Mogol, Albrizzi by c.1745
Impero del Gran Mogul, Coronelli by 1691-97
Inde, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Inde, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Inde, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Inde, Manesson-Mallet by 1686
Inde Ancienne A L'Occident Du Gange, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Inde Ancienne a l'Occident du Gange, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Inde Ancienne a l'Occident du Gange, Manesson-Mallet by 1686
Inde Ancienne A L'Orient Du Gange, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Inde Ancienne A L'Orient Du Gange, Manesson-Mallet by 1683 c
Inde en Deca et au dela du Gange, Lapie [Family] by c.1820
Inde par J.B. Poirson 1809, Malte-Brun by 1812
Inde Partie Meridionale de la Presqu'isle en deca du ..., Tardieu by 1797
Indes Iere. Feuille, Bonne by 1771
India, Arrowsmith by 1832
India, Arrowsmith by 1832
India, Arrowsmith [Family] by 1832
India, Arrowsmith [Family] by 1832
India, Arrowsmith by 1842
India, Arrowsmith by 1842
India, Johnston by 1844
India, Johnston by 1846
India, Johnston by 1848
India, Black by 1851
India, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1853
India, LIZARS [Family] by 1853
India, Johnston by 1857
India, GEE by 1879
India, Cram [& Co.] by 1883
India, Cram [& Co.] by 1892
INDIA, Johnston by 1893
India, Philip [& Son] by 1896
India, Anonymous by c. 1944
India ( Northern Part), Hammond Publishing Co. by 1936
India (Norhtern Part), Mackenzie by 1868
India (North Sheet), Black by 1889
India (North Sheet), Philip [& Son] by 1896
India (Northern & Southern Sheets and Ceylon), Johnston by c.1880
India (Northern Part), Johnston by 1883
India (south sheet), Philip [& Son] by 1896
India (Southern Part), Mackenzie by 1868
India (Southern Section), Black by 1869
India (Southern Sheet), Johnston by 1869
India - Bengal Presidency, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831
India - Bombay &c., Weller by 1858
India as described by all authors before the fifth century, Bowen by 1744
India As Described By All Authors Before The Fifth Century, Bowen by 1748
India as Described by All Authors before the Fifth Century, Bowen by 1764
India Barometric Variation Indicated by the Distribution of Atmospheric Pressure at the Period of Greatest Height and Lowest Depression, In Winter and Summer ..., Stanford by c. 1880
India Distribution of Malaria, Stanford&aposs Geographical Establishment by c. 1880
India I - XII (Set of twelve maps), SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1835-53
India I - XII [Lot of 12 maps], SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-34
India I - XII [Set of 12 Maps], SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-35
India I - XII [Set of 12 maps], SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-35
India I [through] India XI [Set of 11 maps], SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-1834
India I [through] India XII [Set of 12 maps], SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-35
India I [through] India XII [Set of 12 maps], SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-36
India I and Ceylon, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831
India I and Ceylon, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India II Madras Presidency, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India III Bombay Presidency, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India Intra et Extra Gangem, Weigel by c.1720
India intra Gangem, Duval by 1678
India intra Gangem, Duval by 1678
India Intra Gangem, Duval/Beer by 1679
India IV, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India IX, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India on both sides the Ganges, Gibson by 1758
India on this Side Ganges, Morden by 1687
India on this side Ganges, Morden by 1688 c.
India on this Side Ganges, Herbert by c.1670
India on this Side Ganges, Morden by c.1680
India or Hindoostan, LIZARS [Family] by 1853
India or the Mogul's Empire, Moll by 1723
India Orientalis, Bertius by 1616
India Proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1725-1738
India Proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1736 c.
India Proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1739
India proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1740
India Proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1740
India Proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1740
India Proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1764
India Proper or the Empire Of the Great Mogul, Moll by c. 1720
India proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul …, Moll by c. 1740
India Proper or the Empire of the Great Mogul. Agreable to Modern ..., Moll by 1739
India Proper, or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1740
India Proper, or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1740
India Shewing the Post Roads and Dawk Stations, Wyld by 1849
India Showing the Post Roads & Dawk Stations, Wyld [Family] by 1849
India V, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1833
India V, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India Vetus, Cluver by 1683
India Vetus intra et extra Gangem, Sanson Fils by 1705
India Vetus intra et extra Gangem, Mortier by c.1700
India VI, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India VII, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India X, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1833
India X, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1834
India X, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India XI, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India XII, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India XII Index Map, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1835
India, as Described by All Authors before the Fifth Century, Harris by 1740
India, as Described by All Authors before the Fifth Century, Harris by 1764
India, Bengal Presidency, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1843
India, East, including Burma, Siam, and French Indo-China, Century Co. by 1897
India, Northern Part, Century Co. by 1897
India, Northern Part, Century Co. by 1897
India, Southern Part, Century Co. by 1897
India, West Coast. Bombay Harbour, British Admiralty by 1859
India. India's Economic Future. by c. 1940
India. West Coast. Gulf of Cutch to Viziadrug, British Admiralty by 1863
Indiae Extra Gangem Tabula & Taprobana Insulae, Honter by c.1550
Indiae intra Gangem Tabula, Honter by 1561
Indiae Tabula Moderna, Fries by 1522
Indian Empire, Cram [& Co.] by 1886
Indian Ocean, Imray, Sr. by 1884
Indien & Inner-Asien, Stieler by 1884
Indien & Inner-Asien in 2 Blattern, Stieler by 1884
Indien aan Geene Zyde van den Ganges / 't Half Eilandt van ..., Sanson Fils by 1705
Indien binnen de Ganges Vert Oonende de Koninkryken van Golconda, Decan, Bisnaga en Grenzen van ..., Aa by 1706
Indien Binnen de Ganges Vertoonende de Koninkryken van Golconda, Decan, Bisnaga en Grenzen van ..., Aa by 1707
Indien Binnen de Ganges Vertoonende de Koninkryken van Golconda, Decan, Bisnaga en Grenzen van ..., Aa by 1707
Indien Binnen De Ganges…, Aa by 1707
Indostan, Baffin by 1619
Indostan o Siano l'Indie, Rossi by 1820
Indostan, Presqu'Isles de l'Inde Chine, Tartarie ..., Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1761
Indostan, Presqu'Isles de l'Inde Chine, Tartarie ..., Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1778
Indoustan ou Etats du Mogol, Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1749
Indoustan ou Etats du Mogol, Robert de Vaugondy by 1749
Indoustan ou Etats du Mogol. . ., Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1749
Indoustan ou Etats du Mogul, Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1766
Ins. Ceilan Quae Incolis Tenarisin Dicitur, Hondius by 1606
Ins. Ceilan Quae Incolis Tenarisin Dicitur, Hondius by 1606-1613
Ins. Ceilan quae incolis Tenarisin dicitur, Mercator by 1610 ca.
Ins. Ceilan quae incolis Tenarisin dicitur, Mercator by 1613 ca.
Insula Ceilan, Mercator/Jansson by 1630
Insula Ceilon Olim Taprobana…, Visscher/Schenk by 1700 ca.
Insula Ceylon ex delineatione Philippi Baldaei et Hadr. ..., Weigel by 1719
Islands in the Indian Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1834
Islands in the Indian Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Islands in the Indian Ocean, Tallis by 1850-54
Islands in the Indian Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Islands in the Indian Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Islands in the Indian Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Islands in the Indian Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Islands in the Indian Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Islands in the Indian Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1874
ISLE DE CEILAN, Duval by 1660 ca.
Isle de Ceylan, Manesson-Mallet by 1686 ca
Isle de Ceylan &c., Covens & Mortier by c.1710
Isle de Ceylan., Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Isle de Madagascar et Isles Circonvoisins, Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1766
Isle de Madagascar ou de St. Laurent et Isles de la Reunion, Sechelles et ..., Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1748
Isle de Madagascar ou de St. Laurent et Isles de la Reunion, Sechelles et ..., Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1748-
Iter R. Patris Mauduit Galli e S. I. ab Ora Coromandeli per Regnum ..., Stocklein by 1726
Iter R. Patris Mauduit Galli e S.I. ab Ora Coromandeli per Regnum Carnate a 3. Sept. ..., Stocklein by 1726
Iter R. Patris Mauduit Galli e S.I. ab Ora Coromandeli per Regnum Carnate a 3. Sept. ..., Stocklein by 1726
Jaffenapatam, Anonymous by 1760 ca.
Jaffenapatnam, Valentijn by 1728
Joao Teixeira Cosographo de sua Magestade, Thevenot by 1649
Joao Teixeira Cosographo de sua Magestade, Thevenot by 1663
Joao Teixeira Cosographo de sua Magestade, Thevenot by 1683
Johnson's Hindoostan And Farther India, Johnson [& Co.] by 1870
Johnson's Hindoostan and Farther India, Johnson [& Co.] by 1873
Johnson's Hindostan and Farther India, Johnson [& Co.] by 1868
Johnson's Hindostan or British Asia, Johnson & Ward by 1863
Johnson's Hindostan or British India, Johnson & Browning by 1861
Johnston's War Map of the North-West Indian Frontier, Johnston by c.1890
Joris van Spilbergens Eerste Voyagie Gedaan na Oost Indien, Aa by 1714
Kaart van het Benedengedeelte van Indie aan Deeze Zyde der Ganges, Bevattende het Eiland Ceylon, de Kusten van Malabar en ..., Bonne/Bachiene by 1785
Karte uber die Staaten der Mahratten und die Angraenzenden Laender in ..., FORSTER by 1783
Karte von dem Morgenlaendischen Ocean oder dem Indischen ..., Bellin by 1750
Karte Von Indostan . . I. Blatt, Bellin by 1752
KARTE VON INDOSTAN ...I. Blatt, Bellin by 1752
Kashmir and Jammu. Anantnag and Baramula Districts., Survey of India by 1929
L' India di qua e di la dal Gange oue sono li Stati del G. Mogol e parte del Imperio del fu prete ..., Rossi by 1683
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson by 1652
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson Fils by 1681
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson Fils by 1682
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson Fils by 1683
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson by 1683
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson by 1699
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson Fils by 1700
L'Empire du Grand Mogol, Sanson Fils by 1700
L'Empire du Mogol et la Presqu' Isle de l' ..., Bonne by 1788 ca.
L'Empire du Mogol et la Presqu' Isle de L' Inde en deca du ..., Bonne by 1770 ca.
L'Empire du Mogol sur les Memoires de Mr. Manouchi, CATROU by 1715
L'Empire du Mogol, et la Presqu' Isle de l'Inde en Deca du ..., Bonne by 1770
L'Empire du Mogol, et la Presqu'Isle de l'Inde en deca du ..., Bonne by 1787
L'Empire du Mogol, et la Presqu'Isle de l'Inde en deca du ..., Bonne by c.1780
L'Inde de ca le Gange, Aa by 1710
L'Inde de ca le Gange, Aa by 1730
L'Inde de ca Le Gange Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Mess'rs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, ..., Aa by 1705
L'Inde de ca le Gange, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de ..., Aa by 1710
L'Inde de ca le Gange, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Etc. Augmentees de ..., Aa by 1720
L'Inde de ca le Gange, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, ..., Aa by 1710
L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol ..., Sanson by 1654
L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol ..., Sanson by 1654
L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol ..., Sanson by 1654
L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol ..., Sanson/Mariette by 1654
L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol ..., Sanson/Mariette by 1654
L'Inde deca et dela le Gange, ou est l'Empire du Grand Mogol ..., Sanson/Mariette by 1654-1667
L'Inde deçà et delà le Gange, ou est L'Empire du Grande Mogol et Pays ..., Sanson by 1654
L'India di qua e di la dal Gange oue sono li Stati del G. Mogol ..., Cantelli da Vignola by 1683
L'India di qua e di la dal Gange oue sono li Stati del G. Mogol ..., Cantelli da Vignola by 1683
L'India di qua e di la dal Gange oue sono li Stati del G. Mogol ..., Rossi by 1683
L'India di qua e di la dal Gange oue sono li Stati del G. Mogol ..., Cantelli da Vignola by 1683
L'India di qua e di la dal Gange oue sono li Stati del G. Mogol ..., Cantelli da Vignola by 1688
L'India di qua' e di la dal Gange oue Sono li Stati del G. Mogol e Parte del Imperio del fu Prete ..., Rossi by 1683
L'India', from La Guida Del Mercurio Geografico Per Tutte Le Parti Del Mondo Dalle Stampe Della Calcografia Camerale a Pied di Marmo 1741 L'India . Descritta da Giacomo Cantelli da ..., Rossi by 1687
L'Isle et Ville de Goa, LAFITAU by 1734
L’EMPIRE DU GRAND MOGOL, Sanson by 1683 c
La Cour du Grand Mogol a Lahor, Aa by 1720
La table de la region orientale, comrenant les derniers terres & royaumes d' ..., Munster by 1550 ca.
La Ville de Calicut, LAFITAU by 1733
La Ville de Cochin [on sheet with] La Ville Cananor, LAFITAU by 1734
La Ville de Daman, LAFITAU by 1733
Landt caert vande Cust van Malabaer, Madura en Cormendel, Nieuhoff by 1682
Landt Caert vande Cust van Malabaer, Madura en Cormendel, Meurs by 1682
Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans between the Cape of Good Hope, New Holland, and Japan, Comprehending New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Britain, New Ireland, New Guinea, ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1800
Laurie and Whittle's New Chart of the Indian and Pacific Oceans between the Cape of Good Hope, New Holland, and Japan, Comprehending New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Britain, New Ireland, New Guinea, ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1800
Le Golfe de Cambaye et la Rade de Suratte, Tres Exactement Representez sur les Meilleures Cartes ..., Aa by 1707
Le Golfe de Cambaye et la Rade de Suratte…, Aa by 1707
Les Indes Orientales, Robert de Vaugondy by 1751
Les Indes Orientales. . ., Robert de Vaugondy by 1750
Letts's General Map Of India, Letts [Family] by 1889
Lieu de Combats pour le Divertissement du Grand Mogol [on sheet with] Habit des Hommes et Femmes Maures dans les Indes [and] Carosses a Suratte Tirez par des ..., Aa by 1729
Madras &c., Weekly Dispatch by 1858
Madras and Fort St. George, Taken by the French under the Command of M. Mahe de la Bourdonnais the 21st Sept. ..., Cary by c.1790
Madras and Fort St. George, Taken by the French, under the Command of M. Mahe de la Bourdonnais, the 21st Sept.r ..., Cary by 1790
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1635-
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1635-45
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Hondius [Family] by 1636
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1638
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Jansson by 1639
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu by 1640
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu by 1640
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1640
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1640-
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1640-
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Jansson by 1641
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Jansson by 1642
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1642-
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Jansson by 1647
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1647
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1647
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1650
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Jansson by 1650
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Jansson by 1650
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by 1658
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu by 1662
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Wit by 1690
MAGNI MOGOLIS IMPERIUM, Jansson/Valk & Schenk by 1700 c
MAGNI MOGOLIS IMPERIUM, Jansson/Valk & Schenk by 1700 c
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Covens & Mortier by 1720
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by c.1640
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by c.1640
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by c.1650
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Blaeu [Family] by c.1663
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Valk & Schenk by c.1700
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Valk & Schenk by c.1700
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Mortier by c.1710
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Covens & Mortier by c.1710
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Covens & Mortier by c.1720
Magni Mogolis Imperium, Covens & Mortier by c.1730
Magni Mogori Imperium, Metellus by 1596
Malabar, Langenes by 1598
Malabar, Langenes by 1598
Malabar, Bertius by 1598
Malabar, Bertius by 1598-1609
Malabar, Bertius by 1600-16
Malabar, Bertius by 1602
Malabar, Bertius by 1602
Malabar, Bertius by 1606
Malabar, Bertius by 1618
Malabar & Coromandel, Ceylon, Homann by 1733
Malwa, Berar et Beedar, Vandermaelen by 1825
MAP OF GAYA, Infrequent Publ. - Anthropomorphic & Cartoon Maps by 20th C.
Map of Hindoostan, Exhibiting its Present Political Divisions, Compiled from Latest ..., Smith by 1822
Map of Hindostan, Gall & Inglis by 1850
Map of Hindostan, Gall & Inglis by 1871
Map of Hindostan, Gall & Inglis by 1871
Map of Hindostan, Farther India, China, and Tibet, Mitchell by 1868
Map of Hindostan, Farther India, China, and Tibet, Mitchell by 1877
Map of India, Black by 1844
Map of India, Rand, McNally & Co. by 1892
Map of India Based on the Surveys Executed by Order of the Honorable The East Company ..., Stanford by 1857
Map of India Constructed With Great Care And Research from All The Latest ..., Wyld by 1843
Map of India from the Most Recent Authorities, Walker by 1845
Map of India from The most recent Authorities, Walker by 1882
Map of India Shewing the British Territories, Subdivided into Collectorates and Including the Tenasserim Provinces with the Position and Boundary of Each Native State ..., Walker by 1857
Map of India Shewing the British Territories, Subdivided into Collectorates and Including the Tenasserim Provinces with the Position and Boundary of Each Native State ..., Walker by 1857
Map of India, Constructed with Great Care and Research from All the Latest Authorities ... to Facilitate a Reference to the Civil and Military Actions ... Arranged under the Direction of Capt. R.N. Grindlay by James ..., Wyld [Family] by 1841
Map of India, Constructed with Great Care and Research from All the Latest Authorities ... to Facilitate a Reference to the Civil and Military Actions ... Arranged under the Direction of Capt. R.N. Grindlay by James ..., Wyld [Family] by 1846
Map of India, Constructed with Great Care and Research from All the Latest Authorities ... to Facilitate a Reference to the Civil and Military Actions ... Arranged under the Direction of Capt. R.N. Grindlay by James ..., Wyld [Family] by 1857
Map of India, Constructed with Great Care and Research from All the Latest Authorities ... to Facilitate a Reference to the Civil and Military Actions ... Arranged under the Direction of Capt. R.N. Grindlay by James ..., Wyld [Family] by 1857
Map of India, Constructed with Great Care and Research from All the Latest Authorities ... to Facilitate a Reference to the Civil and Military Actions ... Arranged under the Direction of Capt. R.N. Grindlay by James ..., Wyld [Family] by c.1852
Map of India, Constructed with Great Care and Research from All the Latest Authorities and Intended more particularly to Facilitate a Reference to the Civil and Military Stations ... Arranged under the Direction of Capt. R.N. Grindlay by James ..., Wyld by 1842
Map of Kashmir with Part of Adjacent Mountains, Walker by 1859
Map of Kashmir with Part of Adjacent Mountains. Surveyed on the Basis of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of ..., Walker by 1857
Map of Kashmir with Part of Adjacent Mountains. Surveyed on the Basis of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of ..., Walker by c. 1875
Map of Sikkim, Royal Geographical Society by 1881
Map of the City and Environs of Calcutta Constructed Chiefly from Major Schalch's Map and from Captain Prinsep's Survey of the Suburbs with the Latest Improvements and Topographical ..., TASSIN by 1832
Map of the Countries on the North West Frontier of India ..., WALKER, Jr. by 1841
Map of the East India Railway, Shewing the Line Proposed to be Constructed to Connect Calcutta with the North West Provinces and the Intermediate Civilian and Military Stations ..., Walker by 1846
Map Of The Hill Country Of Ceylon Showing…Coffee Estates, Ferguson by 1865 ca.
Map Of The North Western Frontier Of India Showing The Pamir Region ..., Stanford by 1893
Map of the Peninsula of India from the 19th degree of North Latitude to Cape ..., Wyld by 1844 c
Map Of The Peninsula Of India, ... To Cape Comorin. ..., Wyld by 1842
Map of the Peninsula of India, from the 19th Degree of North Latitude to Cape ..., Wyld by 1838
Map of the Peninsula of India, from the 19th Degree of North Latitude to Cape ..., Wyld by 1842
Map of the Peninsula of India, from the 19th Degree of North Latitude to Cape ..., Wyld [Family] by 1844
Map of the Peninsula of India, from the 19th Degree of North Latitude to Cape ..., Wyld [Family] by 1844
Map of the Peninsula of India, from the 19th Degree of North Latitude, to Cape ..., Wyld by 1861
Map of the Punjab, Kashmir, Iskardu & Ladak. Comprising the Dominions of Ranjeet Singh. Compiled from Original Documents, Particularly from the Detailed MS Map of Baron ..., Arrowsmith [Family] by 1847
Map of the Punjab, Kashmir, Iskardu & Ladak. Comprising the Dominions of Ranjeet Singh. Compiled from Original Documents, Particularly from the Detailed MS Map of Baron ..., Arrowsmith [Family] by 1849
Mar di India, Jansson by 1636
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650
Mar di India, Jansson by 1650-
Mar di India, SCHENK [Family] by 1700
Mar di India, Jansson by c.1650
Mar di India, Jansson by c.1650
Mar di India, Jansson by c.1656
Masulipatam, Prevost by 1750
Missionary Map of India, Embracing Hindustan, Burmah, Siam and Adjacent Provinces. Seventh ..., Bidwell by 1846
Mogol, Peeters by 1692
Mogol, Aefferden by 1709
Mogul par N. De Fer, Fer by c.1705
Mount Abu - Visit India, Government Maps: Local & State by c. 1950
Narsinga, Bertius by 1616
Narsinga, Bertius by 1616 c
Narsinga, Bertius by 1618
Narsinga, Hondius/Bertius by 1618
Narsinga et Ceylon, Langenes by 1598
Narsinga et Ceylon, Bertius by 1598
Narsinga Et Ceylon, Bertius by 1598-1609
Narsinga et Ceylon, Bertius by 1602
Narsinga et Ceylon, Bertius by 1610
Narsinga et Ceylon, Bertius by 1618
Neue Karte von dem Konigreiche Bengala, Bellin by 1750
Neue Karte von dem Konigreiche Bengala, Bellin by 1750
Neueste Karte von Hindostan, Bengalen etc. Mit der Anzeige der Strasen, Paesse und Genauester Eintheilung der Britischen Besitzungen in ..., Schrambl by 1788
Neueste Karte von Hindostan, Bengalen etc. Mit der Anzeige der Strasen, Paesse und Genauester Eintheilung der Britischen Besitzungen in ..., Schrambl by 1788
Neueste Karte von Vorder Indien oder Hindostan …, Meyer by 1776
Neueste Karte von Vorder Indien oder Hindostan nach den Bessten Quellen Entworfen und ..., Radefeld by 1844
New Map of Hindoostan, From the Latest Authorities, Cary by 1806
Nieuwe afteekening van Bombay en omleggende Eylanden gelegen aan de Kust van ..., Keulen by 1753
Nieuwe Afteekening van Bombay, en Omliggende Eylanden Gelegen aan de Kust van Decam, op de Noorder Breedte van 19 gr. ..., KEULEN [Family] by 1753
Nieuwe Afteekening van Bombay, en Omliggende Eylanden Gelegen aan de Kust van Decam, op de Noorder Breedte van 19 gr. ..., KEULEN [Family] by 1753
Nieuwe Kaart van 't Keyzer Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Tirion by 1769
Nieuwe Kaart van 't Koninkryk Bengale, door last van den Ed. Heer Mattheus van den ..., Valentijn by 1724
Nieuwe Kaart van Choromandel ende Malabar, Valentijn by 1724
Nieuwe Kaart van Choromandel ende Malabar, Valentijn by 1726
Nieuwe Kaart van Choromandel ende Malabar, KEULEN [Family] by 1752-57
Nieuwe Kaart Van Choromandel Ende Malabar …, Valentijn by 1725 c
Nieuwe Kaart van t Eiland Ceilon, Tirion by 1750 ca.
Nieuwe Kaart van t Eiland Ceilon…, Tirion by 1735
Nieuwe Kaart van t Keyzer Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Tirion by 1730
Nieuwe Kaart van t Keyzer Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Tirion by 1730
Nieuwe Kaart van t Keyzer Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Tirion by 1730
Nieuwe Kaart van t Keyzer Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Tirion by 1730
Nieuwe Kaart van t Keyzer Ryk van den Grooten Mogol, Tirion by 1745 ca.
Nieuwe Kaart van t' Keyzerryk van den Grooten Mogol, Tirion by 1745
Nieuwe Kaarte van 't Koninkryk Bengale, door Last van den Ed. Heer Mattheus van den Broucke ..., Valentyn by 1726
Nona Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy by 1490
Nona Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy by 1507-08
Nona Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy by 1508
Nona Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy/Fries by 1511
Nona Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513
Nona Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513
Nona Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513 or 1520
Nona Asiae Tabula, Waldseemuller by 1513 or 1520
Nona Asiae Tabula, Ptolemy by c.1490
Nona Asie Tabula, Ptolemy/Germanus by 1482-86
Nona Asie Tabula, Ptolemy/Germanus by 1486
Nona Asie Tabula, Ptolemy/Germanus by 1486
Northern India, Tallis by 1845 ca.
Northern India, Tallis by 1850-54
Northern India, Tallis by 1850-60
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India, Tallis by 1861 c
Northern India [and] British India, Tallis by 1851
Northern India [and] Southern India, Tallis by 1850
Northern India [in set with] Southern India, Tallis by 1850
Northern India [in set with] Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Nouvelle Carte de l' Ile de Ceylon avec des Remarques ..., Chatelain by 1718
Nouvelle Carte De L'Inde Pour Suivre Les Operations ..., Taride by c.1857
Nouvelle Carte De L’Isle De Ceylon …, Chatelain by 1719
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie des Indes Orientales, qui comprend, entr'autres Etats, les vastes Possessions des ..., Brion de la Tour/Desnos by 1786
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie des Indes Orientales, qui Comprend, Entr'autres Etats, les Vastes Possessions des ..., Brion de la Tour/Desnos by 1780
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie Des Indes Orientales, qui comrend, entr'autres Etats, les vastes Possessions Des ..., Brion de la Tour by 1766
Nouvelle Carte de la Partie des Indes Orientales…, Brion de la Tour/Desnos by 1780
Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin/Van Schley by 1750
Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin by 1761
Nouvelle carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin by 1764
Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin/Van Schley by 1773
Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin/Van Schley by 1773
Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin by 1773
Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin/Van Schley by 1773
Nouvelle Carte du Royaume de Bengale, Bellin by c.1760
Nouvelle Cartre du Royaume de Bengale., Bellin by 1773
Nova Tabula India Orientalis Hugo Allardt Excudit inde Kalverstraet inde Werrelt ..., ALLARD [Family] by 1697
Nova Tabula India Orientalis Hugo Allardt Excudit inde Kalverstraet inde Werrelt ..., ALLARD [Family] by 1700
Nova Tabula India Orientalis Hugo Allardt Excudit inde Kalverstraet inde Werrelt ..., ALLARD [Family] by 1705
Nova Tabula India Orientalis Hugo Allardt Excudit inde Kalverstraet inde Werrelt ..., ALLARD [Family] by c.1660
Nova Tabula Terrarum Cucan, Canara Malabaria, Madurs & Coromandelia cum Parte Septentrionale Insulae Ceylon, in Mari Indico ..., KEULEN [Family] by c.1730
Nova Tabula Terrarum Cucan…Malabaria, Madura, & Coromandelia, Reland by 1728
Nuoua Carta dell' Isola Ceilon, Tirion by 1734
Nuova Carta dell Impero del Gran Mogol, Tirion by 1734
Nuova Carte dell' Impero dell Gran Mogol, Albrizzi by c.1740
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. ..., Wit by 1675
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. ..., Wit by 1680
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. ..., Wit by 1682
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. ..., Renard by 1715
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. ..., Renard by 1715
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. ..., Renard by 1715
Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. ..., Renard by 1739
Oost Indien, KEULEN [Family] by c.1658-1700
Oost Indien / Wassende-Graade Paskaart, Vertoonende nevens het Oostelykste van Africa, meede de Zeekusten van Asia ..., GOOS [Family] by 1658-
Oost Indien / Wassende-Graade Paskaart, Vertoonende nevens het Oostelykste van Africa, meede de Zeekusten van Asia ..., KEULEN [Family] by 1680
Oost Indien / Wassende-Graade Paskaart, Vertoonende nevens het Oostelykste van Africa, meede de Zeekusten van Asia ..., Goos by c.1658
Oost Indien. Wassende-Graade Paskaart Vertoonende Nevens het Oostelyckste van Africa meede de Zeekusten van Asia van C. de Bona Esperanca tot Eso. boven Japan ... bij Pieter Goos ..., KEULEN [Family] by 1680
Oost Indien. Wassende-Graade Paskaart Vertoonende Nevens het Oostelyckste van Africa meede de Zeekusten van Asia van C. de Bona Esperanca tot Eso. boven Japan ... bij Pieter Goos ..., KEULEN [Family] by 1680
Oost-Indize Scheeps-togt, door Edward Terry uyt Engeland Gedaan, na Zuratte, Mogol en ..., Aa by 1710
Oost-Indize Scheepstogten door Edward Terry uyt Engeland gedaan na Zuratte, Mogol en ..., Aa by 1709
Oost-Indize Voyagie door William Hawkins van Suratte gedaan na't Hof van den Groote Mogol tot ..., Aa by 1707
Ost-Indien Oder Vorder-Indien, Volter by 1845 ca.
Over-Winningh van de Stadt Cotchin op de Kust van Malabaer, Nieuhoff by 1682
Over-Winningh van de Stadt Cotchin op de Kust van Mallabaer, Nieuhoff by 1682
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1845 ca.
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1850
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1850-54
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1851
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1851
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1851
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1851
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1851
Overland Route to India, Tallis by 1851
OVERLAND ROUTE TO INDIA', Tallis by 1851 c
Paliacatta or Gesdret, Churchill by 1704
Parrel Vissery voor toute Conryn, Nieuhoff by 1680
Part of the Himalaya Mountains, to Illustrate Captn. H. Strachey's Paper ..., Royal Geographical Society by 1851
Particular Plans of Islands, Rocks and Shoals in the Indian ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
Partie de l'Inde au dela du Gange [on sheet with] Presqu'Isle de l'Inde au dela du ..., Sanson Fils by 1700
Partie de l'Inde et Ile de Ceylan, Vandermaelen by 1825
Partie de la Nouvelle Grande Carte des Indes Orientales, Contenant les Isles Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, Sumatra ..., Elwe by 1792
Partie de la Tere Ferme de l'Inde ou l'Empire du ..., Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Partie de la Terre Ferme de L' Inde ou L' Empire du ..., Manesson-Mallet by 1683 ca
Partie de la Terre Ferme de l'Inde ou l'Empire de ..., Manesson-Mallet by 1686
Partie de la Terre Ferme de l'Inde ou l'Empire du ..., Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Partie de la Terre Ferme de l'Inde ou l'Empire du ..., Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Partie De La Terre Ferme De L'Indi Ou L'Empire Du ..., Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Partie Du Gange ou Sont Les Etablissements du commerce des Nations de l'Europe dans les Indes Orientales . . ..., Harrewyn by 1726
Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by 1692
Partie Occidentale d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles de Zocotora, de ..., Mortier by c.1700
Pas Caart van een Gedeelte van de Kusten van Cuncancanara en Malabar met het Noortlykste van de Maldivische Eylanden in de Oostindische ..., KEULEN [Family] by c.1680
Pas Caart van een Gedeette van de Kusten van Cuncancanara en Malabar met het Noortlykste van de Maldivische Eylanden in de ..., KEULEN [Family] by 1755
Pas Kaart van ... de Aethiopische Zee ..., KEULEN [Family] by c.1750
Pas-Caert van't Westelyckste Deel van Oost-Indien, Doncker by 1669
Pascaert van't Eylandt Ceylon, Voordesen Taprobana; by de Inwoonders genaemt ..., Keulen by 1680
Pascaerte van 't Westelycke Deel van Oost Indien, van Cabo de Bona Esperanca, tot C. ..., GOOS [Family] by 1666-67
Pascaerte van 't Westelycke Deel van Oost Indien, van Cabo de Bona Esperanca, tot C. ..., GOOS [Family] by 1666-67
Pascaerte van 't Westelycke Deel van Oost Indien, van Cabo de Bona Esperanca, tot C. ..., GOOS [Family] by 1666-67
Pascaerte van 't Westelycke Deel van Oost Indien, van Cabo de Bona Esperanca, tot C. ..., GOOS [Family] by 1666-67
Pascaerte van 't Westelycke Deel van Oost Indien, van Cabo de Bona Esperanca, tot C. ..., GOOS [Family] by 1669
Pascaerte van 't Westelyckste Deel van Oost-Indien ..., Jacobsz [Family] by c.1680
Pascaerte van 't Westelyckste Deel van Oost-Indien ..., Jacobsz [Family] by c.1681
Paskaert van t Westerdeel van Oost Indien Streckende van Cabo de Bona Esperance tot het Eyland van Cilon, met al syn Omleggende Eylande daar ..., KEULEN [Family] by c.1728
Pays d'Ajemeer d'Agra, Vandermaelen by 1825
Pays d'Ajemeer D'Agra &c., Vandermaelen by 1827
Peninsola dell'Indo di qua del Gange e l'Isola di Ceilan nell'Indie Orientali ..., Coronelli by 1691-97
Peninsola dell'Indo di qua del Gange e l'Isola di Ceilan nell'Indie Orientali ..., Coronelli by c.1692
Peninsola dell'Indo di qua del Gange e l'Isola di Ceilan nell'Indie Orientali ..., Coronelli by 1692 c
Peninsula del Indo, Aefferden by 1709
Peninsula del Indo de Esta Parte del Golfo del Ganges [on sheet with] Peninsula del Indo de la Otra Parte del Golfo del ..., LASO by 1711
Peninsula Indiæ citra Gangem hoc est Orae celebberriame Malabar & ..., Homann Heirs by 1737
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem hoc est Orae celeberrimae Malabar & ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem Hoc est Orae celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel Cum adjacente Insula non minums celebratissima Ceylon . . . ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae Citra Gangem hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem hoc est Orae celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel cum adjacente Insula non minus celebratissima ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem hoc est Orae celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel cum adjacente Insula non minus celebratissima ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann [Family] by 1733
Peninsula Indiae citra Gangem, hoc est Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel. Cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae Citra Gangem, hoc est, Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae Citra Gangem, hoc est, Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae Citra Gangem, hoc est, Orae Celeberrimae Malabar & Coromandel cum Adjacente Insula non Minus Celebratissima ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiæ citra Gengem, hoc est Orae celeberrimæ Malabar & Coromandel... ..., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula Indiae Malabar Coromandel Ceylon., Homann Heirs by 1733
Peninsula of India, Smith by 1808
Peninsula of India, Smith by 1808 c.
Penisola dell India di qua dal Gange ..., Rossi by 1683
Penisola dell India di qua dal Gange ..., Rossi by 1683-88
Penisola dell India di qua dal Gange ..., Cantelli da Vignola by 1688
Penisola dell India di qua dal Gange et Isole intorno ad essa ..., Cantelli da Vignola/de Rossi by 1683
Penisola Dell' Indo di qua del Gange e L'Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie Orientale. . ..., Coronelli by 1690
Penisola dell' Indo di qua del Gange, e l Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie Orientali ..., Coronelli by 1695
Penisola dell' Indo di qua del Gange, e l'Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie Orientali ..., Coronelli by 1695
Penisola dell' Indo di qua del Gange, e l'Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie Orientali ..., Coronelli by 1696
Penisola dell' Indo di qua del Gange, e l'Isola di Ceilan nell' Indie ..., Coronelli by 1690
Penisola dell'India di qua dal Gange et Isole intorno ad essa ..., Cantelli da Vignola by 1683
Penisola Dell'Indo Di Qua Del Gange E L'Isola Di Ceilan Nell'Indie Orientali . . ..., Coronelli by 1690 c.
Physikalische Karte vom Indischen Meere, Kleinknecht by c.1850
Physikalische Karte vom Indischen Meere, Kleinknecht by c.1850
Plan de Bombay et de ses Environs, Bellin by 1751
Plan De Bombay Et de Sés Environs, Bellin by 1760
Plan de Bombay et de ses Environs Tire de Thornton Hyd. Ang., Bellin by 1751
Plan de Goa, Bellin by 1749
Plan de Goa, Bellin by 1749
Plan de Goa, Bellin/Van Schley by 1750
Plan de Goa, Bellin by 1750
PLAN DE GOA, Prevost by 1750 c
Plan de Goa, Prevost by 1750 ca.
Plan de Goa, Schley by c.1750
Plan de Goa / Grondtekening van Goa, Schley by 1747
Plan de la Bataille de Goudelour Donnee le 13 Juin 1783 ..., DEZAUCHE by c.1783
Plan de la Loge Hollandoise d' Ougly Ao 1721, Schley by 1760 ca.
Plan de la Ville de Cochin, Prevost by 1761
Plan de Madras a la Coste de Coromandel, Bellin by 1757
Plan de Madras a la Coste de Coromandel, Bellin by 1764
Plan de Madras a la Coste de Coromandel, Bellin by 1764
Plan de Madras et du Fort St. Georges Pris par les Francois le 21 septembre ..., Bellin by 1760
Plan de Madraz et du Fort St. Georges. . ., Prevost by 1750 ca.
PLAN DE MAYE a la Coste de Malabar, Bellin by 1764
Plan de Pondicheri en 1741 ..., Prevost by 1751
Plan de Pondichery a la Cote de Coromandel, Fer by 1704
Plan de Pondichery en 1741, MANUSCRIPT MAPS by c.1741
Plan de Ville de Cochin, Prevost by 1761
Plan der Stadt und Festung Madrass in Ost-Indien, Raspe by c. 1762
Plan der Stadt und Festung Madrass. In Ost-Indien, Raspe by 1759
Plan du Port de Bombay, Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Plan of Billiapattam River by John David Spaeth, Dalrymple by 1792
Plan of Calcutta, Anonymous by 1825
Plan of Calcutta, from Actual Survey in the Year 1847-1849 ..., Walker by 1875
Plan Of Dehli Copied And Zincographed At The Ordnance Survey ..., BRITISH ORDNANCE SURVEY by c.1860
Plan of Delhi 1857-58, Mackenzie by 1860
Plan of Delhi and its Environs, Weller by 1863 c.
Plan of Delhi and its Environs, Weller by 1863 ca.
Plan of Delhi and its Environs, Weller by 1865
Plan of the African Islands from the Observations of Lieut Campbell of H.M. Schooner Spitfire by Chas. Shakleton [on sheet with] Plan of the African Islands Taken on Board the French Frigate, La Chiffonne, Capt. ..., British Admiralty by 1816
PLAN OF THE BATTLE OF SABRAON, fought on the 10th Feby 1846 by the British Army under the personal command of GEN.L SIR HUGH GOUGH BAR.T G.C.B. with the Sikh Forces entrenched on the ..., Hebert by 1846
Plan of the City of Calcutta, Letts [Family] by 1883
Plan Of The City Of Calcutta, Letts [Family] by 1889
Plan of the City of Calcutta, Mason & Payne by 1890
Plan of the Fronts of Fort St. George Attacked by Mr. Lally ..., NOURSE by 1778
Plan of the Island Durmapatam on the Malabar Coast, Dalrymple by 1783
Plan of the Town of Calcutta. Red dots indicate cholera deaths for the year ..., Anonymous by 1887
PLAN Shewing Original Entrenchments as drawn by G. ..., MANUSCRIPT MAPS by 1857
Plan, De, L'Attaque, Des, Retranchemens Et Du Fort De Mahé; Le Iie. Et Le Iiie, Decembre. ..., Manuscript Maps by 1725
Platte Grond van t Fort Tricoen Male met de daar aangelegen ..., Valentijn by 1728
Pocket Map of Bombay and the Country around ..., GOVERNMENT MAPS: NATIONAL by 1883
Prequ' Isle de l'Inde deca la Gange, ou sont les Royaumes, de Decan, de Golconde de Bisnagar, et le ..., Sanson by 1699
Presqu 'Isle de l'Indie deca la Gange, ou font les Royaumes, de Decan, de Golconde de Bisnagar, et la ..., Sanson by 1700
Presqu 'Isle Des Indes Orientales. . ., Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche by 1790
Presqu 'Isle Des Indes Orientales. . ., Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche by 1790
Presqu Isle de l'Inde deca la Gange, Sanson by 1700
Presqu Isle De L'Inde Decale Golfe De Bengala, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Presqu Isle de L'Inde. deca la Gange. . ., Sanson [Family] by 1700
Presqu' Isle de l'Inde de ca le Gange, Duval by 1682
Presqu' Isle de l'Inde deca le Gange ou sont les Royaumes, de Decan, de Golconde, de Bisnagar, et le ..., Sanson by 1652
Presqu' Isle de L'Inde…, Sanson by 1683 ca.
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde ..., Sanson by 1652
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde ..., Sanson Fils by 1700
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde de ca le Gange, Duval by 1676
Presqu'Isle de L'Inde de ca le Gange, Duval by 1680 c
Presqu'Isle de L'Inde de ca le Gange, Duval by 1680 c
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde de ca le Gange, Duval by 1682
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde de ca le Gange, Duval by 1682
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde deca la Gange, Sanson Fils by 1683
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde deca la Gange, Sanson Fils by 1700
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde deca la Gange, ou sont les Royaumes, de Decan, de Golconde de Bisnagar, et la ..., Sanson by 1700
Presqu'Isle de l'Inde deca la Gange, ou sont les Royaumes, de Decan, de Golconde, de Bisnagar, et le ..., Sanson by 1683
Presqu'isle de l'Inde. . ., Sanson/Mariette by 1667
Presqu'Isle de l'Indie deca la Gange, ou sont les Royaumes, de Decan, de Golconde de Bisnagar, et la ..., Sanson by 1699
Presqu'Isle Des Indes Orientales …, Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche by c.1785-c.1820
Presqu'Isle des Indes Orientales, Comprenant l'Indostan ou Empire de Mogol ..., Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by 1758-
Presqu'Isle des Indes Orientales, Comprenant l'Indostan ou Empire de Mogol ..., Robert de Vaugondy [Family] by c.1792
Presqu'Isle des Indes Orientales, Comprenant l'Indostan ou Empire de Mogol ..., Robert de Vaugondy/Delamarche by 1792 c.
Presqu-Isle de l' Inde decale Golfe de Bengala, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Presqu-Isle de L'Inde, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Presqu-Isle de L'Inde, Manesson-Mallet by 1683 ca
Presqu-Isle de l'Inde decà du Gange ou sont les Royaumes de Decan, de Golconde, de Bisnagar, et le Malabar. Par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du ..., Sanson by 1652
Presqu-Isle de L'Inde deca le Golfe de Bengala, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Presqu-Isle de l'Inde deca le Golfe de Bengala, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Presqu-Isle de l'Inde deca le Golfe de Bengala, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Presqu-Isle de L'Inde deca le Golfe de Bengala, Manesson-Mallet by 1683 c.
Presqu-Isle de l’Inde deca le Golfe de Bengala, Mallet by 1683
Presqu’Isle Des Indes Orientales…, Delamarche by 1785ca-1820 ca
Presqui'Isle de L'Inde, Sanson [Family] by 1699
Prospect der Stadt Masulipatam in Ost-Indien, Raspe by 1770
Questa Carta Contiene la Costa dell'India Orientale con la Costa di Coromandell e l'Isola di Zeilan e Finisce con la Parte Tramontna. di Sumatra ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Railway and Canal Map of India 1910, GOVERNMENT MAPS: NATIONAL by 1904-10
Regionum Choromandel Golconda, Churchill by 1744
Regionum Choromandel, Golconda, et Orixa. Nova et Accurata ..., Baldaeus by 1672
Regnum Jafnapatnam, Montanus by 1670
Regnum Jafnapatnam cum Insulis Adjacentibus, Churchill by 1704
Regnum Narsingae, Botero by 1596
Regnum Narsingae, Metellus by 1596
Rice Ports of India, Imray, Sr. by 1872
Rice Ports of India, Imray, Sr. by 1872
Rijk der Indien aan Weerzijden des Ganges, Bachiene by 1785
River Hooghly. Calcutta to Saugor Point, British Admiralty by 1883
Road, Railway & Telegraphic Map of India Shewing the Post Roads and Dawk ..., Wyld [Family] by 1855/64
Royaume d'Annan Comprenant les Royaumes de Tumkin et de la Cocinchine ..., Mariette by c.1653
Royaume du Grand Mogol, Aa by 1720
Seconda Tavola, Ramusio by 1554
Seconda Tavola, Ramusio by 1560
Seconda Tavola, Ramusio by 1563
Seconda Tavola, Ramusio by c.1556-83
Seconda Tavola, Ramusio by c.1560
Set of twelve maps, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-35
Set of twelve maps [India], SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1831-35
Several Appearances of the Agoada Fort near the Island of Goa ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
Sindetic Hindoostan, or the Countries occupied by the Sinde or Indus and it's ..., Cary by 1816
Sinus Gangeticus; Vulgo Golfo de Bengala Nova descriptio, Jansson by 1650
Sinus Gangeticus; Vulgo Golfo de Bengala Nova Descriptio, Jansson by 1657
Sketch map of the Glaciers of Kangchenjunga, Infrequent Publ. - Local & State Maps by 1926
Sketch of Part of the Himma-Leh Mountains to Illustrate the Paper by Capt. ..., Royal Geographical Society by 1834
Sketch of the Outline and Principal River of India, Arrowsmith [Family] by 1822
Southern Division of Hindoostan, Cary by 1816
Southern Division of Hindoostan, Cary by 1816
Southern India, Tallis by 1845 ca.
Southern India, Tallis by 1850-54
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851
Southern India, Tallis by 1851 c
Southern India, Tallis by c. 1851
Southern India, Tallis by c.1851
Special-Carte von der Halb-Insul Indiens diesseits dem ..., LIEBE by c.1750
Spezial Karte Von Himalaya, Berghaus by 1835
St. Tome op de Kust van Cormandel, Anonymous by 1680
Stanford's Large Scale Map of Afghanistan Showing the New British Frontiers According to the Treaty of ..., Stanford by 1879
Stanford's Portable Map of India [on sheet with] Burmah and the Adjacent Parts of Beluchistan, Afganistan, Turkistan, and the Chinese Empire and ..., Stanford by 1886
Stanford's Portable Map of India Shewing its Divisions and the Adjacent Parts of Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Turkestan, the Chinese Empire, Burmah and ..., Stanford by 1870
Stanford's Portable Map of India Shewing its Present Divisions and the Adjacent Parts of Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Turkestan, the Chinese Empire, Burmah and ..., Stanford by 1878
Stanford’s Map of India Based on the Surveys Executed by Order of the Honourable the East India Company, Special Maps of the Surveyor General and Other Authorities; Showing The Latest Territorial Acquisitions Of The British Empire And The Independent And ..., Stanford by 1857
Stanford’s map of India Based on the Surveys Executed by Order of the Honourable the East India Company, Special Maps of the Surveyor General and Other ..., Stanford by 1857
Stannard & Dixon's Ordnance Map of India. By Special Authority of the Hon. East India ..., Stannard & Dixon by c.1857
Stato del Mogol con l' Isole di Ceilan e Maldive, Zatta by 1785
Stato del Mogol con l' Isole di Ceilan e Maldive, Zatta by 1785
Stato Del Mogol Con L'Isole Di Ceilan E Maldive, Zatta by 1785
Stato del Mogol con l'Isole di Ceilan e Maldive, Zatta by 1785
Suite de la Carte de l' Indoustan Ile. Feuille, Comprenant La Presqou' Isle de l' ..., Bellin by 1770
Suite de la Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange, Bellin by c.1758
Suite de la Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange IIe Feuille, Comprenant la Presqu'Isle de ..., Bellin by 1754
Suite de la Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange IIe Feuille, Comprenant la Presqu'Isle de l'Inde, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des ..., Bellin by 1750
Suite de la Carte de l'Inde en deca du Gange IIe Feuille, Comprenant la Presqu'Isle de l'Inde, pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des ..., Bellin by 1757
Suite de la Carte de L'Inde en deçà du Gange. IIe Feuillle, Comprenant La Presque'Isle de ..., Bellin by 1752 c
Suite de la Carte de L'Inde. . .Iie. Fuile Comprenant La Prequ'Isle De L'Inde. . ..., Bellin by 1757
Suite de la Carte de l'Indoustan, IIe Feuille, Comprenant la Presqu'Isle de ..., Bellin by 1752
Sumatra ein grosse Insel so von den alten Geographen Taprobana ist genennt ..., Munster by 1570
Sumatra ein grosse Insel…, Munster by 1578 ca.
Surate, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Suratte, een Volkryke Koopstadt in Oostindie Onder Het Gebiet van Den Grooten Mogol / Suratta Syrastra Ptolomaei, Regni Cognominis, quin imo Totius Indiae Maximum ..., Schenk by 1702
T Groot Eiland Ceilon …, Aa by 1710
t Inkoomen van de Rivier van Suratte, KEULEN [Family] by 1753
t Inkoomen van de Rivier van Suratte, KEULEN [Family] by 1753
Tab. IX. Asiae, Continens Ariam, Paropanisum, Drangianam, Arachosiam, et ..., Mercator [Family] by 1720
Tab. IX. Asiae, Continens Ariam, Paropanisum, Drangianam, Arachosiam, et ..., Mercator [Family] by c.1605
Tab. X. Asiae, Compectens Indiam intra Gangem., Mercator by 1698
Tab. X. Asiae, Complectens Indiam intra Gangem ..., Mercator [Family] by 1618
Tab. X. Asiae, Complectens Indiam intra Gangem ..., Mercator [Family] by c.1695
Tab. X. Asiae, Complectens Indiam intra Gangem ..., Mercator [Family] by c.1695
Tab. X. Asiae, Complectens Indiam Intra Gangem..., Ptolemy/Mercator by 1695
Tab. X. Asiae, Complectens Indiam Intra Gangem..., Ptolemy/Mercator by 1730
Tab. XII Asiae Taprobanam, Ptolemy/Mercator by 1698
Tab. XII Asiae Taprobanam repraesentans Medius meridianus 125 ad quem reloqui inclinantur ratione aequin octalis et 9 ..., Mercator [Family] by 1578-1730
Tab: IX Asiae, Continens Ariam Paropanisum Drangianam, Arachosiam, et ..., Ptolemy/Mercator by 1698
Tabu Moder Indiae, Ptolemy/Fries by 1522-35
Tabu. Moder Indiae, Fries by 1522 - 1535
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by 1542
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by 1545
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by 1545
Tabula Asiae IX, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae IX, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by 1552
Tabula Asiae IX, Ptolemy/Ruscelli by 1562
Tabula Asiae IX, Ruscelli by 1562
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by 1571
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by 1571
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by 1571
Tabula Asiae IX, Ruscelli by 1574
Tabula Asiae IX, Magini by 1597
Tabula Asiae IX, Magini by 1597-98
Tabula Asiae IX, Magini by 1597-98
Tabula Asiae IX, Ruscelli by 1598
Tabula Asiae IX, Munster by c.1542
Tabula Asiae IX [in set with] Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1545
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1540
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1540
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1540-1552
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1540-52
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1542
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1542
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1545
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1545
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1545
Tabula Asiae X, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae X, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae X, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae X, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1552
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1552
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by 1555
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1561
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1561
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1561
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1561
Tabula Asiae X, Ptolemy/Ruscelli by 1561
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1574
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1574
Tabula Asiae X, Ptolemy/Ruscelli by 1574
Tabula Asiae X, Magini by 1597
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1598
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1598
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1598
Tabula Asiae X, Ruscelli by 1598
Tabula Asiae X, Ptolemy/Ruscelli by 1598
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by c.1550
Tabula Asiae X, Munster by c.1550
Tabula Asiae X, Magini by c.1600
Tabula Asiæ X, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae X., Magini by 1597
Tabula Asiae XII, Gastaldi by 1548
Tabula Asiae XII, Munster by 1550
Tabula Asiae XII, Ruscelli by 1561 ca.
Tabula Asiae XII, Ruscelli by 1574
Tabula Asiae XII, Munster by 1580
Tabula Asiae XII, Magini by 1597
Tabula Asiae XII, Magini by 1598
Tabula Asiae XII, Magini/Porro by 1598
Tabula Asiae XII, Magini by 1621
Tabula Decima d Asia, Ptolemy/Berlinghieri by 1482
Tabula Decima de Asia, Ptolemy/Berlinghieri by 1482
Tabula Decima de Asia, Ptolemy/Berlinghieri by c.1478-82
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adiacentium. J.van Braam et G. onder de Linden ..., Valentijn by 1724
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adiacentium. J.van Braam et G. onder de Linden ..., Valentijn by 1724
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adiacentium. J.van Braam et G. onder de Linden ..., Valentijn by 1724-26
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adiacentium. J.van Braam et G. onder de Linden ..., Valentijn by 1724-26
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adiacentium. J.van Braam et G. onder de Linden ..., Valentijn by 1726
Tabula Indiae Orientalis et Regnorum Adiacentium. J.van Braam et G. onder de Linden ..., Valentijn by 1726
Tabula Indiae X, Munster by 1540
Tabula Indiae X, Munster by 1540
Tabula Indiae X, Munster by 1540
Tabula Indiae X, Munster by 1550
Tabula Indiae X, Munster by c.1550
Tabula IX Asiae [Title on Verso], Ptolemy/Fries by 1535
Tabula Moderna Indiae, Waldseemuller by 1513
Tabula Moderna Indiae, Waldseemuller by 1513
Tabula Moderna Indiae, Waldseemuller by 1513
Tabula Moderna Indiae, Waldseemuller by 1513
Tabula Moderna Indiae, Waldseemuller by 1513
Tabula Moderna Indiae, Waldseemuller by 1513
Tabula Moderna Indiae, Fries by 1522 - 1535
Tabula Nona Asia Continentur, Aria, Fries by 1522-41
Tabula Nona Asia Continentur, Aria, Fries by 1541
Tabula Nona Asia Continentur, Aria, Fries by 1541
Tabula Nona de Asia, Ptolemy/Berlinghieri by c.1478-82
Tabula X Asiae, Ptolemy/Fries by 1522
Tabula X Asiae, Ptolemy/Fries by 1522
Tabula X Asiae, Ptolemy/Fries by 1541
Tabula X Asiae [Title on Verso], Ptolemy/Fries by 1522 - 1535
Tabula X Asiae [Title on Verso], Fries by 1525
Tabula X Asiae [Title on Verso], Ptolemy/Fries by 1535
Tabula XI Asiae, Fries by 1522-35
TABVLA ASIAE X, Munster by 1542
Tabvla Asiae XII, Ruscelli by 1561
Taprobana, Bordone by 1528
Taprobana, Bordone by 1528-1547
Taprobana, Bordone by 1532
Taprobana, Porcacchi by 1590
Taprobana, Lasor a Varea by 1713
Taprobana - Insu (Duodecima Asiae Tabula), Waldseemuller by 1513
Taprobana Ins, Servetus by 1535
Taprobana Ins., Servetus by 1535-41
Tavola Nona dell' Asia, Magini by 1620
Territoire de Nepaul, Vandermaelen by 1825
Thacker's Reduced Survey Map of India, Bartholomew [Family] by 1914
Thacker's Reduced Survey Map of India. By J.G. Bartholomew, ..., THACKER by 1897
The City of Cochin, Churchill by 1704
The City of Cowlang, Churchill by 1704
The City of Cowlang, Churchill by 1732
The Coast of India between Calymere and Gordeware Points ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Coast of India between Calymere and Gordeware Points including the Coast of Coromandel and Part of the Coast of ..., Sayer by c.1785
The Coast of India from Goa to Cape Comorin Comprehending the Coasts of Canara and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Goa to Cape Comorin Comprehending the Coasts of Canara and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Goa to Cape Comorin Comprehending the Coasts of Canara and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Goa to Cape Comorin Comprehending the Coasts of Canara and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Goa to Cape Comorin Comprehending the Coasts of Canara and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Goa to Cape Comorin Comprehending the Coasts of Canara and ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1788
The Coast of India from Gyants Point to Cape Rama ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Gyants Point to Cape Rama, Comprehending the Coasts of Guzurat, Concan and Deckan, with the Gulf of ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Mount Dilly to Pondicherry, Including the Coasts of Malabar, Madura and Part of ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Coast of India from Mount Dilly to Pondichery, Comprehending the Coast of Malabar, Madura and Part of the Coast of Coromandel with the Isle of ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1778
The Coast of India from Point Gordeware to the Ganges ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Coast of India from Point Gordeware to the Ganges ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Coast of India from Point Jigat to Cape Ramas ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Coast of India from Point Jigat to Cape Ramas, Includng The Coasts of Guzarat and Concan, with the Gulf of ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Conquered Provinces on the south of Bahar, containing Ramgur, Palamow & ..., Rennell by 1779
The Conquered Provinces on the South of Bahar; Containing Ramgur, Palamow &c. Chuta-Nagpour ..., Rennell by 1779
The Countries Situated between Delhi and Candahar, Including Cashmere, and the Heads of the Indus, Drawn Chiefly from Materials Collected by Captain William Kirkpatrick of the Bengal Establishment ..., Rennell by 1792
The East Indies including more particularly The British Dominions on the Continent of ..., Kitchin by 1773
The East Indies Including More Particularly the British Dominions on the Continent of India ..., Blair by 1773
The East Indies Including More Particularly the British Dominions on the Continent of India ..., Blair by 1779
The East Indies With The Roads ... 1768 The Second Edition, Jefferys/Sayer by c. 1768
The East Indies, Distinguishing the Empires and Kingdoms on the Continent Commonly Called ..., Anonymous by c.1770
The East Indies, with the Roads, Jefferys/Sayer by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads, Jefferys/Sayer by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads, Jefferys/Sayer by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys by 1768
The East Indies, with the Roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys/Sayer & Bennett by 1768-1790 c.
The East Indies, with the Roads. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to the ..., Jefferys by 1794
THE FORT & CANTONMENT OF DEHLI [sic], Wyld by 1857 c
The Island of Ceylon, Blackie & Son by 1860
The Jungleterry District … Birboom, Rajemal, Boglipour ..., Rennell by 1779
The Main Land Of India Within The Ganges, Seller by 1676
The Moguls Empire Divided into Its Principal Governments, Anonymous by 1767
THE MOUTH OF THE GANGES, Luffman by 1802
THE MOUTH OF THE GANGES, Luffman by 1804
The North West Provinces and Oudh for Murray's Handbook to ..., Anonymous by n.d
The Panjab with Part of Afghanistan, Kashmeer, Sinde &c, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1839
The Peninsula Of India Within Ye Ganges, Seller by 1676
The Peninsula Of India Without Ye Ganges, Seller by 1676
The Peninsula on this side Ganges, Morden by 1680
The Punjab and its Dependencies with Portions of the Northwest Provinces and ..., THUILLIER by 1870
The Punjab with Part of Afganistan, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
The Residency, Palace &c. of Lucknow., Weller by 1863 c.
The Residency, Palaces &c. of Lucknow, Weller by 1865
The Residency, Palaces, etc. of Lucknow, Weller by 1863
The Road of Palleacate ... [on sheet with] the Road of Tengepatnam ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Road of Palleacate ... [on sheet with] the Road of Tengepatnam ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
The Seat of War on the Coast of Choromandel, Jefferys by 1754
The Seige of Colombo under the Command of General Gerard ..., Churchill by 1704
The Southern Provinces of Hindoostan, Wilkinson by 1808
The Southern Provinces of Hindoostan, Wilkinson by 1808
The Triangulation of India. Plan of the Trigonometrical Operations Carried on in the Peninsula of India from the Year 1802 to 1814 Inclusive under the Superintendance of Lieut. Col. W. ..., Horsburgh by 1827
The West Part Of India or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1711
The West Part of India, or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1717
The West Part of India, or the Empire of the Great Mogul, Moll by 1717
Theatre de la Guerre dans l'Inde sur la Coste de Coromandel ..., CROISEY by 1770
Theatre de la Guerre dans l'Inde sur la Coste de Coromandel ..., CROISEY by 1770
Theatre de la Guerre Dans l'Inde sur la Coste de Coromandel Par M. B. C. T. ..., Bourcet by 1770
Theatre De La Guerre Dans L’Inde Sur La Coste De Coromandel, CROISEY by 1770
Theatre de la Guerre dans les Indes Orientales ou Coste de Coromandel Tiree des Cartes de la ..., Le Rouge by 1759
Theatre de La Guerre Sur la Coste De Coromandel, Prevost by 1749
Theatre de la Guerre sur la côte de Coromandel, Bellin by 1760 ca.
This Newly Constructed and Extended Map of India from the Latest Surveys of the Best Authorities Published Principally for Use of the Officers of the Army in ..., Walker by 1827
This Newly Constructed and Extended Map of India from the Latest Surveys of the Best Authorities Published Principally for Use of the Officers of the Army in ..., Walker by 1831
This Newly Constructed and Extended Map of India from the Latest Surveys of the Best Authorities. Published Principally for the Use of the Officers of the Army in ..., WALKER, Jr. by 1825
To The Hon[oura]ble the Court Directors of the East India Company This Improved Map of India Compiled from all the Latest & most Authentic Materials Is Respectfully Dedicated by their most Obedient & most Humble Servant A. ..., Arrowsmith, Sr. by 1816
To the Honble. the Court of Directors of the East India Company this Improved Map of India ... is Respectfully ..., Arrowsmith [Family] by 1816
To the King's Most Excellent Majesty George the Third; this Chart, with the Comparative Tracts of Ships, in the Different Monsoons; Shewing the Connection ... between the Principal Harbours & Settlements in the East Indies ... Benjamin ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
To the Merchants and Ship Owners of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, this Chart of the Indian & Pacific Oceans ... is ... ..., BLATCHFORD by 1848
To the Merchants and Ship Owners of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, this Chart of the Indian & Pacific Oceans ... is ... ..., BLATCHFORD by 1848
Tourist Map of India, Philip [& Son] by c. 1930
Track of the Calcutta East Indiaman over the Bassas de Chagas ..., Laurie & Whittle by 1794
Tunison's Farther India and Sunda Isles, Tunison by 1889
Tunison’s India, Tunison by 1889
Tutecoryn, Churchill by 1704
Ville de Cochin, Schley by 1760 ca.
Ville de Cochin de Stad Coestsijen, Schley by 1755
Ville de Dieu, Schley by 1760 ca.
Ville de Diu - De Stad Diu, Schley by 1760
Ville de Diu, de Stad Diu, Schley by 1760
Visapor, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Volker-karte der indischen welt, Berghaus by 1852
Vorder Indien, Weiland by 1838
Vorder-Indien oder das Anglo-Indishe Reich, Stieler by 1869
Vorderindien, Brockhaus by 1863
Vue de Goa, Bellin by 1750
VUE DE GOA, Prevost by 1750 c
Vue de Goa, Bellin by 1753
Vue de Goa, Bellin by 1760 c
Vue de Goa, Prevost by c. 1750
Vues Diverses du Fort de l'Agouade pres de l'Isle de Goa ... [on sheet with] Vues Diverses de l'Isle aux ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
Vues Diverses du Fort de l'Agouade pres de l'Isle de Goa ... [on sheet with] Vues Diverses de l'Isle aux ..., Apres de Mannevillette by 1775
War Makes Rich, Teeming, Dissenting India Britain's Chief Treasure and ..., Floercky by 1940
War Map of Chitral, GOVERNMENT MAPS: LOCAL & STATE by c.1880
Wassende Grade Paskaert van Oost-Indien van Pieter Goos Werkelyk Verbetert door Verscheyde Ervaren Schippers en Stier ..., Loots by c.1695
Wyld's Theatre of War in the Punjaub, Wyld [Family] by c.1849

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