Archives - Antique maps of the South Pacific Ocean

(Australia, New Zealand & New Guinea), Thevenot by 1663
(Australia, New Zealand & New Guinea), Thevenot by 1663
(Australia, New Zealand & New Guinea), Thevenot by 1672-
(South Pacific Ocean. Schouten's Route), Reneville by 1725
(South Pacific), Spilbergen by 1619-21
(South Pacific), Spilbergen by 1619-21
[Atlas] (Charts of Oceania), Depot de la Marine by 1793-1807
[Atlas] Atlas de l'Ocean Pacifique, Krusenstern by 1824
[Atlas] Voyages de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes ..., Freycinet by 1807-24
[Book with maps] An Account of a Voyage in Search of La Perouse ... Performed in the Years 1791, 1792, and 1793 ..., LABILLARDIERE by 1800
[Book with maps] An Account of a Voyage in Search of La Perouse ... Performed in the Years 1791, 1792, and 1793 ..., LABILLARDIERE by 1801
[Book with maps] Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes ..., BROSSES by 1756
[Book with maps] Picturesque Atlas of Australasia, Garran by 1886
[Book with maps] Relation du Voyage a la Recherche de La Perouse, Fait par Ordre de l'Assemblee Constituante, pendant les Annees 1791, 1792, et pendant la 1ere, et la 2de Annee de la Republique Francoise ..., LABILLARDIERE by 1800
[Book with maps] Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l'Oceanie sur les Corvettes l'Astrolabe et la ..., Dumont d&aposUrville by 1841-46
[Book with maps] Voyage de d'Entrecasteaux, Envoye a la Recherche de La ..., Bruny d&aposEntrecasteaux by 1807
[Collection of Manuscript Sea Charts of the South Pacific and South ..., Manuscript Maps by 1770-75
[Globe gore] (S.E. Pacific and W. Coast of S. America), Coronelli by 1688
[Globe gore] (S.E. Pacific and W. Coast of S. America), Coronelli by 1688
[South Pacific Ocean. Schouten & Le Maire's Route], Renneville by 1725
[South Pacific Ocean], Reneville by 1725
[Tasman's Voyage - South Pacific], RUSSELL by 1770 c
A Chart and Views of Pitcairn's Island, Cook by 1773
A Chart of Captn. Carteret's Discoveries at New Britain, with Part of Captn. Cook's Passage thro Endeavour Streights & of Captn. Dampier's Track & Discoveries in 1699 & 1700 at New Guinea & New ..., Cook/Hogg by 1784
A Chart of Captn. Carteret's Discoveries at New Britain, with Part of Captn. Cook's Passage thro Endeavour Streights & of Captn. Dampier's Track & Discoveries in 1699 & 1700 at New Guinea & New ..., Cook/Hogg by 1790
A Chart of Captn. Carteret's Discoveries at New Britain, with Part of Captn. Cook's Passage thro Endeavour Streights & of Captn. Dampier's Track & Discoveries in 1699 & 1700 at New Guinea & New ..., Cook/Hogg by c.1790
A Chart of Captn. Carteret's Discoveries at New Britain, with Part of Captn. Cook's Passage Thro Endeavour Streights, & of Captn. Dampier's Tract & Discoveries in 1699, & 1700, at New Guinea & New ..., Hogg by 1780
A Chart of Captn. Carteret's Discoveries at New Britain, with Part of Captn. Cooke's Passage Thro Endeavour Streights, & of Captn. Dampier's Tract of Discoveries in 1699, & 1700, at New Guinea and New ..., Whitchurch by 1773
A Chart of Captn. Carterets Discoveries at New Britain, with part of Captn. Cooke's Passage thro Endeavour Streights ..., Cook by 1773
A Chart of the Track of Land in the Pacific Ocean, Discovered by Lieut.t John Shortland; on His Homeward bound Passage from the Eastern Coast of New South Wales. By Thomas Geo.e Shortland of the Royal Navy, August 20th ..., SHORTLAND by 1789
A General Chart of New Holland, including New South Wales & Botany Bay, with the Adjacent Countries and New Discovered ..., Fielding by 1786
A View of Huaheine, Cook/Hogg by 1785 c.
A View of the Town of Pelew, Capital of the Pelew Islands [and] A View of Port Jackson, New South ..., Hogg by 1794
Amerique Meridionale, Duval by 1684
Australasia, Arrowsmith & Lewis by 1812
Australasia, Pinkerton by 1813
Australasia, Pinkerton by 1813
Australasia, Arrowsmith & Lewis by 1819
Australasia, Pinnock by 1832
Australasia, Black by 1844
Australasia, Black by 1851
Australasia, Pinkerton by c.1813
Australasia, Hall by c.1839
Australasia, SPCK Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge by c.1850
Australia a Zealand Newydd, GEE by 1879
Australia and New Zealand, SHARPE by 1848-49
Australia and New Zealand, Fullarton [& Co.] by 1864
Australia and New Zealand, London Times by 1895
Australia and New Zealand, Fullarton [& Co.] by c.1862
Australia and New Zealand According to Arrowsmith and ..., Fullarton [& Co.] by 1870
Australia and New Zealand According to Arrowsmith and ..., Fullarton [& Co.] by 1870
Australia and New Zealand According to Arrowsmith and ..., Fullarton [& Co.] by 1870
Australia and New Zealand according to Arrowsmith and Mitchell ..., Fullarton [& Co.] by 1870
Australia Ed Arcipelaghi Dell' Oceania Centrale, Marzolla by 1857
Australia New Zealand &c., Kincaid by c.1840
Australian Colonies and New Zealand, Gall & Inglis by 1851
Australian Colonies and New Zealand, Gall & Inglis by c.1850
Australie, SCHOLTENS by c.1860
Australien, Schropp [& Co.] by 1820
Australien, Flemming by 1845
Australien, Weimar Geographisches Institut by 1861
Australien (Sudland) auch Polynesien oder Inselwelt, Walch by 1802
Australien (Sudland) auch Polynesien oder Inselwelt, Insgemein der Funfte ..., Walch by 1802
Australien (Sudland) auch Polynesien oder Inselwelt…, Walch by 1802
Australien Entworfen und Gezeichnet, Weiland by 1823
Boats of the Friendly Isles, Cook/Hogg by 1780 c.
Caarte van Nova Guinea, Nieulijck inden Iare 1616 …, Schouten by 1618
Carta de las Islas Ilamadas Las Marquesas De Mendoza… [on sheet with] Carta de lat Isla De Pascuas o Tierra De ..., Lopez y Vargas Machuca by 1797
Carta di una Parte dell' Oceania ... per Poter Determinare i Limiti Orientali del Vicariato Apostolico di Batavia, e della Prefettura di Labuan e Malesia Orientale, e gli Occidentale della Apostolica della Melanesia e ..., CUARTERON by 1855
Carta particolare del Mare del Sur che comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel ..., Dudley by 1661
Carta particolare del mare del Sur che comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e finiscie con la costa di Lima nel ..., Dudley by c. 1646
Carta Particolare del Mare del Sur che Comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e Finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel' Peru ..., Dudley by 1646
Carta Particolare del Mare del Sur che Comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e Finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel' Peru ..., Dudley by 1646
Carta Particolare del Mare del Sur che Comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e Finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel' Peru ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Carta Particolare del Mare del Sur che Comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e Finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel' Peru ..., Dudley by 1646-47 or 1661
Carta Particolare del Mare del Sur che Comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e Finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel' Peru ..., Dudley by c.1646
Carta Particolare del Mare del Sur che Comincia con l'Isole di Salamone e Finiscie con la Costa di Lima nel' Peru ..., Dudley by c.1646
Carta Particolare dell'Mare e Isole Scoperte dal Capitno. Iacomo Maier Olandese nel 1617 con Parte della Nuova Guinea ..., Dudley by 1646
Carta Particolare dell'Mare e Isole Scoperte dal Capitno. Iacomo Maier Olandese nel 1617 con Parte della Nuova Guinea ..., Dudley by 1646
Carta Particolare dell'Mare e Isole Scoperte dal Capitno. Iacomo Maier Olandese nel 1617 con Parte della Nuova Guinea ..., Dudley by 1646
Carta Particolare dell'Mare e Isole Scoperte dal Capitno. Iacomo Maier Olandese nel 1617 con Parte della Nuova Guinea ..., Dudley by 1646
Carta Particolare dell'Mare e Isole Scoperte dal Capitno. Iacomo Maier Olandese nel 1617 con Parte della Nuova Guinea ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Carta Particolare dell'Mare e Isole Scoperte dal Capitno. Iacomo Maier Olandese nel 1617 con Parte della Nuova Guinea ..., Dudley by 1646-47 or 1661
Carta Secona. Generale del'Asia, Dudley by 1646
Carta Secona. Generale del'Asia, Dudley by 1646
Carta Secona. Generale del'Asia, Dudley by 1646
Carta Secona. Generale del'Asia, LUCINI by c.1665
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant ..., Cook by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Cook/Benard by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Carteret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Cook/Benard by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes des Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin ..., GLASSBACH [Family] by c.1780
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes des Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Carteret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Cook/Benard by 1790
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes des Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Carteret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook, ..., Cook/Benard by 1790
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes des Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Carteret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook, ..., Cook/Benard by 1790
Carte d'une partie de la Mer du Sud Contenant les Decouvertes des Vaisseaux de sa ..., Benard by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Benard by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Cook by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Benard by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Cook by 1774
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Cook by 1774-78
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste le Dauphin, Commodore Byron, la Tamar, Capitne. Mouats, 1765, le Dauphin, Capitne. Wallis, le Swallow, Capitne. Cartaret, 1767, et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook ..., Cook by 1778
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste, le Dauphin, Commodore Byron; le Tamar, Capt. Mouats, 1765; le Dauphin, Capt. Wallis; le Swallow, Capt. Cartaret, 1767; et l'Endeavour, Lieut. Cook, ..., Cook by c. 1800
Carte d'une Partie de la Mer du Sud Contentant les Decouvertes de Vaisseaux de sa Majeste: le Dauphin, Commodore Byron; la Tamar, Capt. Mouats, 1765; le Dauphin, Capt. Wallis; le Swallow, Capt. Cartaret, 1767; et l'Endeavour, Lieutenant Cook, ..., Anonymous by c.1802
Carte d'une Partie de la Nouvelle Holland, de l'Isles des Arsacides Decouverte par Mrs. De Bougainville de Surville et Shortland et de quelques Cotes de la Mer ..., LABORDE by 1791
Carte d'une Partie du Grande Ocean a l'E et S.E. de la Nouvelle ..., La Perouse by 1781
Carte d'une Partie du Grande Ocean a l'E et S.E. de la Nouvelle ..., La Perouse by 1781
Carte d'une Partie du Grande Ocean a l'E et S.E. de la Nouvelle ..., La Perouse by 1797
Carte d'une Partie du Grande Ocean a l'E et S.E. de la Nouvelle ..., La Perouse by 1798
Carte d'une Partie du Grande Ocean a l'E et S.E. de la Nouvelle ..., La Perouse by c.1790
Carte d'une Partie du Grande Ocean a l'E et S.E. de la Nouvelle ..., La Perouse by c.1797
Carte d’une partie de la Mer Du Sud Contenant les Decouverts des Vaisseaux De Sa ..., Cook/Benard by 1774
Carte De L'Archipel De St. Lazare ou Les Marianes sur les Cartes du P. Alonso Lopes et le Memouie du P Morales Jesuits . . ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte De L'Isle De Taiti, par Le Lieutenant J. Cook ..., Bellin by 1780
Carte de l'Isle de Taiti, par Lieutenant J. Cook, Cook by 1780 c.
Carte de l'Oceanie, Brue by 1827
Carte de l'Oceanie, Vivien de Saint Martin by 1834
Carte de l'Oceanie, Malte-Brun by 1835
Carte de l'Oceanie, Malte-Brun by 1837
Carte de l'Oceanie, Delamarche by 1850
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie la Polynesie et les Iles ..., Delamarche by 1838
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant L'Australie La Polynesie et Les Isle ..., Delamarche by 1838
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles ..., Lapie [Family] by 1829
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Lapie [Family] by 1829
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Lapie [Family] by 1829
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Lapie [Family] by 1829
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Lapie [Family] by 1829
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Delamarche by 1837
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Lapie [Family] by 1837
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Lapie [Family] by 1842
Carte de l'Oceanie Contenant l'Australie, la Polynesie et les Iles Asiatiques ..., Lapie [Family] by 1851
Carte de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde, Brue by 1820
Carte de l'Oceanie…, Barbie du Bocage by 1843
Carte de la Cote Orientale de la Nouvelle Hollande Comprise entre les 20-36 Degrees Latitude Meridionale, et des Terres Environnantes (Nouvelle Caledonie, Iles Loyalty, Partie Septentle de la Nouvelle Zelande, Mer du Corail) ... M.C.A. ..., Vincendon-Dumoulin by 1847
Carte de la Cote Orientale de la Nouvelle Hollande Comprise entre les 20-36 Degrees Latitude Meridionale, et des Terres Environnantes (Nouvelle Caledonie, Iles Loyalty, Partie Septentle de la Nouvelle Zelande, Mer du Corail) ... M.C.A. ..., Vincendon-Dumoulin by 1847
Carte de la Partie Meridionale de la Mer du Sud qui Represente les Decouvertes Faites avant 1764 ..., Pretot by 1787
Carte de la Partie Meridionale de la Mer du Sud qui Represente les Decouvertes Faites avant 1764. Gravee d'apres la Carte de Mr. le Chevalier Dalrymple sous la direction de Mr. De Vaugondy... ..., Pretot by 1787
Carte des Archipels des Iles Salomon, de la Louisiade et de la Nouvle. Bretagne. ..., Depot de la Marine by c.1825
Carte des Declinaisons et Inclinaisons de l'Aiguille Aimantee Redigee d'apres la Table des Observations Magnetiques Faites par les Voyageurs depuis l'Annee ..., Buffon by 1775
Carte des Decouvertes du Capne. Carteret dans la Nle. Bretagne avec une Partie du Passage du Capne. Cook a Travers les Detroits Endeavour et de la Route et des Decouvertes du Cap. Dampierre dans la Nle Guinee et la Nle. Bretagne en 1699 et ..., Cook by 1780
Carte des Decouvertes du Capne. Carteret dans la Nle. Bretagne avec une Partie du Passage du Capne. Cook a Travers les Detroits Endeavour et de la Route et des Decouvertes du Capne. Dampierre dans la Nle. Guinee et la Nle. Bretagne en 1699 et ..., HAWKESWORTH by 1774
Carte des Découvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisse au de Roi, La Resolution, Commandé par le Capitaine Cook en ..., Cook by 1774
Carte des Découvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisse au de Roi, La Resolution, Commandé par le Capitaine Cook en ..., Cook by 1774
Carte des Decouvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisseau de Roi, La Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook en ..., Cook by 1778
Carte des Decouvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur la Vaisseau de Roi, La ..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur le Vaisseau de Roi, la Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook, en ..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur le Vaisseau de Roi, la Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook, en ..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur le Vaisseau de Roi, la Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook, en ..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur le Vaisseau de Roi, la Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook. En ..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur le Vaisseau de Roi, la Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook. En ..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte des Découvertes faites dans la Mer Pacifique sur le Vaisseau de Roi, la Resolution, Commandé par the Capitaine Cook en ..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte des Decouvertes Faites dans la Mer Pacifique..., Cook/Benard by 1778
Carte Des Decouvertes faits dans la Mer Pacifique sur les Vaisseu du Roi, La Resolution, Commande par le Capitaine Cook. en ..., La Harpe by 1780
Carte des Isles des Amis, Cook/Benard by 1785 c.
Carte Des Isles Des Amis [with] Plan du Havre De Tongatoaboo, Bonne by 1787
Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme partie de ..., Brue by 1834
Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du ..., Brue by 1827
Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du ..., Brue by 1827
Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du ..., Brue by 1827
Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du ..., Brue by 1827
Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du ..., Brue by 1830
Carte Generale de l'Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du ..., Brue by 1836
Carte Generale dell'Oceania, Marzolla by 1841
Carte Generale dell'Oceania, Marzolla by 1865
Carte Particuliere De L'Isle De Juan Fernandes . . ., Bellin by 1759
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud, Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud, Bellin by 1764
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud, Bellin by 1764
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by 1757
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by 1764
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by 1764
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by c.1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud ..., Bellin by c.1755
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud …, Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud… / Gereduceerde Kaart van de ..., Bellin by 1753
Carte Reduite Des Mers Comprises Entre L'Asie et L'Amerique Apelées par les Navigateurs. Mer du Sud ou Mer ..., Depot de la Marine by c. 1742
Chart Containing the Greater Part of the South Sea to the South of the Line, with the Islands Dispersed Thro' the ..., Jefferys/Sayer by 1768
Chart Containing the Greater Part of the South Sea to the South of the Line, with the Islands Dispersed thro' the ..., Jefferys by 1775
Chart Containing the Greater Part of the South Sea to the South of the Line, with the Islands Dispersed thro' the ..., Sayer by c.1753
Chart Containing the Greater Part of the South Sea to the South of the Line, with the Islands Dispersed thro' the ..., Jefferys by c.1770
Chart Containing the Greater Part of the South Sea to the South of the Line, with the Islands Dispersed thro' the Same / South America with the Adjacent Islands in the Southern Ocean and South ..., Sayer & Bennett by 1775
Chart of Discoveries Made in the South Pacific Ocean in His Majesty's Ship Resolution ... ..., Cook by 1777
Chart of New Holland, with the Adjacent Countries and New Discover'd ..., Stockdale by 1787
Chart of Part of the South Sea, Shewing the Tracts & Discoveries Made by His Majesty's Ships Dolphin, Commodore Byron, & Tamer, Capn Mouat, 1765 ... and Endeavour, Lieutenant Cooke, ..., Cook by 1773
Chart of Part of the South Sea, Shewing the Tracts & Discoveries Made by His Majestys Ships Dolphin, Commodore Byron, & Tamer, Capn Mouat, 1765 ... and Endeavour, Lieutenant Cooke, ..., Cook by 1773
Chart of Part of the South Sea, Shewing the Tracts & Discoveries Made by His Majestys Ships Dolphin, Commodore Byron, & Tamer, Capn. Mouat, 1765 ... and Endeavour, Lieutenant Cooke, ..., Cook by 1773
Chart of part of the South Sea, Shewing the Tracts and Discoveries made by His Majesty's Ships, Dolphin, Commodore Byron, & Tamer, Capt.n Mouat, 1765. Dolphin, Capt.n Wallis, & Swallow, Capt.n Carteret, 1767, and Endeavour, Lieutenant Cooke, ..., Cook by c. 1773
Chart of part of the South Sea, Shewing the Tracts and Discoveries made by His Majesty's Ships, Dolphin, Commodore Byron, & Tamer, Capt.n Mouat, 1765. Dolphin, Capt.n Wallis, & Swallow, Capt.n Carteret, 1767, and Endeavour, Lieutenant Cooke, ..., Cook by c. 1773
Chart of Part of the South Seas Shewing the Tracts & Discoveries Made by His Majesty's Ships ..., Whitchurch by 1777
Chart of the Duff's Track in the Pacific Ocean 1797, Wilson by 1799
Chart of the Duff's Track in the Pacific Ocean 1797, Wilson by 1799
Chart of the Friendly Islands, Cook by 1784 c
Chart of the Island and Harbour of Tongataboo, Foot by 1799
Chart of the Island of Otaheite By Captn. Cook 1769, Cook by 1785
Chart Of The Island Otaheite By Captn. Cook, Cook/Hogg by 1769
Chart of the Island Otaheite, by Capt.n Cook., Cook by 1785 c
Chart of the New Discoveries East of New Holland and New ..., Morse by 1797
Chart of the New Discoveries East of New Holland and New ..., Morse by 1797
Chart of the New Discoveries East of New Holland and New ..., Morse by 1798
Chart of the Society Isles discovered by Lieut. J. Cook, Cook by 1773
Chart of the Track of the Dolphin, Tamar, Swallow & Endeavor, through the South Seas; & of the Track of M. Bougainville, round the ..., Gentleman&aposs Magazine by 1773
Chart of the Track of the Dolphin, Tamar, Swallow & Endeavor, through the South Seas; & the Track of M. Bougainville, round the ..., Gentleman&aposs Magazine by 1773-74
Chart of the Track of the Dolphin, Tamar, Swallow & Endeavour, Through the South Seas; & of the Track of M. Bougainville, Round the ..., Bowen by 1773
Charte du chemin ou de la route tenue par Iacq. Le Maire en son voyage par la Mer ..., Herrera y Tordesillas by 1622
Charte von Australien ..., Streit by 1817
Charte von Australien ..., Streit by c.1830
Charte von einem Theile des Süd-Meeres, darinnen die verschiedenen Farthen und Entdeckungen angezeiget sind welche von nachstehenden Engl. Schiffen gemachte worden ..., Cook by c. 1775
Chica sive Patagonica et Australis Terra. MDC., Quad von Kinckelbach by 1608 c
Coste Du Nord Est De L'Isle De Juan Ferenandez …, Bellin by c. 1753
Dediee et Presentee a Monsieur par son Tres Humble et Tres Obeissant Serviteur M. ..., Brue by 1832
Die Carolinische oder Neu=Philippinische Inseln; Welche sonst auch das Seeland Palaos oder S. Lazari heissen von R. P. Antonio Cantova, e S. J. gezeichnet Anno ..., Stocklein by 1728
Die Viti-oder Fiji-Inseln, Petermann by 1869
East India Isles & Australia, Wyld [Family] by 1824
Esquisse de la Bay Dusky, Dans La Nouvelle Zeelande [on sheet with] I. Pitcairn [and] Isles de Wallis [and] I Turtle [and] I des Cocos and Traitres [and] Palmerston I. [and] I. Suavage [and] I. D'Hervey [and] Havre Pickersgill [and] I. de ..., Bonne by 1787
Festland von Australien und Benachbarte Inseln, Stulpnagel by 1850
Fiji Islands, British Admiralty by 1882
Fiji or Viti Group. Surveyed by Com.r Wilkes U.S.N. 1840. with additions by Capt.n Denham, R.N., 1857. To accompany Colonel Smythe's ..., ARROWSMITH by 1864
Galapagos Islands, Manuscript Maps by c 1890
Generalcharte von Australien ..., LIECHTENSTERN by 1805
Iles Fidji, Vandermaelen by 1827
Iles Fidji, Vandermaelen by 1827
Iles Mariannes. Oceanique, Vandermaelen by 1827
Ins Kleine Gebrachte Karte Von Dem Mittaeglichen Meere, Bellin by 1753
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Johnston by 1844
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Johnston by 1844
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Johnston by 1849
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Philip [& Son] by 1852
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Philip [& Son] by 1852
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Philip [& Son] by 1852
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Philip [& Son] by 1852
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Philip [& Son] by 1856
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Johnston by c.1860
Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Johnston by c.1870
Islands in the Pacific Ocean - Sheet 8, Johnston by c.1854
Isles de Salomon, Manesson-Mallet by 1683
Isles de Salomon., Manesson-Mallet by 1684
Isles de Wallis [on sheet with] I. Turtle [and] I. des Cocos [and] I. des Traitres [and] Palmerston I [and] I. Sauvage [and] I. D`Hervey [and] Esquisse de la Baye Dusky, dans la Nouvelle Zeelande [and] I. Pitcairn [and] I. De ..., Bonne by 1780 c.
Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617 ..., Dudley by 1646
Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617 ..., Dudley by 1646-47
Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617. La Longitudine Comincia da l'Isola di Pico d'Asores d'Asia Carta ..., Dudley by 1646
Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617. La Longitudine Comincia da l'Isola di Pico d'Asores d'Asia Carta ..., Dudley by 1646
Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617. La Longitudine Comincia da l'Isola di Pico d'Asores d'Asia Carta ..., Dudley by 1646
Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617. La Longitudine Comincia da l'Isola di Pico d'Asores d'Asia Carta ..., Dudley by c. 1646
Isole nel Mare di Sur Scoperte nel 1617…, Dudley by 1646
Isole Scoperte da Iacomo le Maier Olandese ne 1617, Dudley by 1646
Isole Scoperte da Iacomo le Maier Olandese nel 1617…, Dudley by 1661
Johnson's Australia and East Indies, Johnson [& Co.] by 1864
Johnson's Australia and East Indies, Johnson [& Co.] by 1867
Johnson's Australia and East Indies, Johnson [& Co.] by 1867
Johnson's Australia and East Indies, Johnson [& Co.] by 1867
Johnson's China East Indies Australia and Oceanica, Johnson & Browning by 1860
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman Volgens syn eygen Opstel, Valentijn by 1724-26
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman Volgens syn eygen Opstel, Valentijn by 1726
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman Volgens syn eygen Opstel, Valentijn by 1726
Kaart der Reyse van Abel Tasman Volgens syn Eygen Opstel, Valentyn by 1726
Karta Oefver Australien eller Polynesien, Akerlund by 1831
Karta over Polynesien eller Femte Delen af Jordklotet, Djurberg by 1780
Karta over Polynesien eller Femte Delen af Jordklotet, Djurberg by 1780
Karte vom Funften Erdtheil oder Australien, CANZLER by 1795-1813
Karte vom Funften Erdtheil oder Polynaesien-Inselwelt oder Australien od. ..., CANZLER by 1795
Karte vom Funften Erdtheil oder Polynaesien-Inselwelt oder Australien od. ..., CANZLER by 1795
Karte vom Funften Erdtheil oder Polynaesien-Inselwelt oder Australien od. ..., CANZLER by 1795
Karte vom Funften Erdtheil oder Polynesien oder Australien od ..., Homann Heirs by 1806
Karte vom Funften Erdtheil, oder Polynaesien-Insel Welt, oder Australien od. ..., Homann Heirs by 1795
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien ..., Weigel by 1798
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien, nach den Zeichnungen, Reisebeschreibungen und Tagebucher der Vorzuglichsten Seefahrer bis 1789 Entworffen im Jahr ..., Weigel by 1792
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien, nach den Zeichnungen, Reisebeschreibungen und Tagebucher der Vorzuglichsten Seefahrer bis 1789 Entworffen im Jahr ..., Weigel by 1792
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien…, WEIGEL by c. 1792
Karte von der Inselwelt Polynesien oder der Funften Welttheile nach Djurberg und Roberts ... ..., Reilly by 1795
Karte von der Inselwelt Polynesien oder der Funften Welttheile nach Djurberg und Roberts ... ..., Reilly by 1795
Karte von der Inselwelt Polynesien oder der Funften Welttheile nach Djurberg und Roberts ... ..., Reilly by 1795
Karte von der Inselwelt Polynesien oder der Funften Welttheile nach Djurberg und Roberts ... ..., Reilly by 1795
Karte von der Inselwelt Polynesien oder der Funften Welttheile nach Djurberg und Roberts ... ..., Reilly by 1795
Karte Von Der Inselwelt, Polynesien ..., Reilly by 1795
Karte von der Inselwelt, Polynesien oder dem Funften Welttheile nach Djurberg und ..., Reilly by 1795
L'Isola O-Tahiti scoperta dal Cap. Cook, Con le Marchesi di ..., Cassini by 1798
L'Oceanie en 1849, Houze by 1849
L'Oceanie en 1849, Houze by c.1849
Lauf des Transport-Schiffes Waaksamheyd von Port Jackson in Neu Sud Wallis, nach Batavia, im Jahre ..., Sotzmann by 1794
Le Isole degli Amici Delineate sulle Observazioni del Cap. ..., Cassini by 1798
Le Isole della Società e di Noel Delineate sulle Observazioni del Cap. ..., Cassini by 1798
Map of Oceania and Malaysia, Rand, McNally & Co. by 1892
Map of the Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Thomson [& Co.] by 1815 c.
Map of the Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Thomson [& Co.] by 1815 c.
Map Of The Islands In The Pacific Ocean, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
Mappe van der Sud See…, Bry by 1619
Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1785
Mare del Sud, Zatta by c.1776
Messageries Maritimes - Pacific Ocean Line - ms "Caledonien" "Tahitien" ..., Perrot by 1955
Mignatur Kort over de Sydlige Lande, Bellin by 1760
Mondo Marittimo by 1835
N.elle Caledonie . . ., Pilon by 1881
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by 1814
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by 1817
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by c.1814
New Holland and Asiatic Isles, Thomson [& Co.] by c.1814
New Holland and New Zealand, Greenleaf by 1842
New Holland and New Zealand, Greenleaf by 1842
New Holland and New Zealand, Greenleaf by 1842
New Holland and New Zealand, Greenleaf by 1842
New Holland and New Zealand, Greenleaf by 1848
New South Wales, New Zealand, New Hebrides and the Islands ..., Wilkinson by 1808
New South Wales, New Zealand, New Hebrides and the Islands ..., Wilkinson by 1808
New South Wales, New Zealand, New Hebrides and the Islands ..., Wilkinson by 1810
New South Wales, New Zealand, New Hebrides and the Islands ..., Wilkinson by c.1808
Nouvelle Carte de la Mer Pacifique ou Mer du Sud, Bellin by 1760 c
Nouvelle Carte Illustree de l'Oceanie Presentant les Grandes Divisions Physiques la Distribution Geographique des Vegetaux et des ..., Vuillemin by 1857
Nouvelle Carte Illustrée de l'Océanie..., Vuillemin by 1861
Nova Guinea et In. Salomonis, Langenes by 1598
Nuove Scoperte ... Mare Del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67 e 69 nel Mare Del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67 e 69 nel Mare Del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67 e 69 nel Mare del Sud., Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765. 67. e 69 nel Mare del Sud, Zatta by 1776
Ocean Dressee Par A. H. Du Four,…, Dufour by 1857
Ocean Pacific Feuille 3, Jacobs by c.1850
Ocean Pacifique, Feuille 3e, Dumont d&aposUrville by 1845 c.
Ocean Pacifique. Iles Nuku-Hiva, Tuamotu, Tahiti, Tubuai et Archipel de Cook d'apres le Plus Recents ..., Depot de la Marine by 1872
Ocean Pacifique. Iles Nuku-Hiva, Tuamotu, Tahiti, Tubuai et Archipel de Cook d'apres le Plus Recents ..., Depot de la Marine by 1872
Oceana, Johnston by 1883
Oceana, Johnston by c.1889
Oceania, Johnston by 1860
Oceania, Johnston by 1885
Oceania, Bartholomew [Family] by 1890
Oceania, Johnston by c.1870
Oceania, Johnston by c.1870
Oceania, Morales by c.1880
Oceania and Pacific Ocean, Black by 1882
Oceania and Pacific Ocean, Black by 1882
Oceania or Pacific Ocean, Mitchell by 1848
Oceania or Pacific Ocean, Mitchell by 1849
Oceania ossia Australia, Polinesia e Malesia, Marmocchi by c.1845
Oceania ossia Australia, Polinesia e Malesia Naples, Marghieri & ..., Marmocchi by 1845 c
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1750
Oceanie, Monin by 1830
Oceanie, Monin & Fremin by 1836
Oceanie, Tardieu by 1836
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1838
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1838-
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1838-52
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1840
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1840
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1843
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1843
Oceanie , Dufour by 1843
Oceanie, Monin by 1844
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1845
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1845
Oceanie, Monin by 1845
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1845
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1847
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1847
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1847
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Vandermaelen by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1850
Oceanie, Monin by 1850 c
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1852
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1854
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1854
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1854
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1854
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1854
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1857
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1861
Oceanie, GARNIER by 1862
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1865
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1869
Oceanie, Migeon by 1874
Oceanie, Levasseur by 1876
Oceanie, Andriveau-Goujon by 1876
Oceanie, Andriveau-Goujon by 1876
Oceanie, Monin by c.1840
Oceanie, Levasseur by c.1845
Oceanie, Levasseur by c.1847
Oceanie, Levasseur by c.1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by c.1850
Oceanie, MANUSCRIPT MAPS by c.1850
Oceanie, Levasseur by c.1860
Océanie, Lesot by c. 1920
Oceanie ..., Migeon by 1874
Oceanie Dressee par A.H. Dufour, Dufour by 1857
Oceanie Dressee par A.H. Dufour, Dufour by 1863
Oceanie Dressee par A.H. Dufour, Dufour by 1864
Oceanie Dressee par A.H. Dufour, Dufour by c.1850
Oceanie Dressee par C.V. Monin., Monin by 1835
Oceanie ou Australasie et Polynesie Dediee et Presentee au ..., Lapie [Family] by 1817
Oceanie ou Australasie et Polynesie Dediee et Presentee au ..., Lapie [Family] by 1817
Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde, LEGRAND by 1822
Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde Comprenant l'Arcipel d'Asie, l'Australasie la Polynesie &c. par M. Brue Carte Encyprotype Reduite de celle sur 4 Feuilles du Meme Auteur. a Paris Chez Desray ... Chez Goujon ... 1814 ... revue et Augmente en ..., Brue by 1816
Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde Comprenant l'Arcipel d'Asie, l'Australasie la Polynesie &c. par M. Brue Carte Encyprotype Reduite de celle sur 4 Feuilles du Meme Auteur. a Paris Chez Desray ... Chez Goujon ... 1814 ... revue et Augmente en ..., Brue by 1816
Oceanie ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde Comprenant l'Arcipel d'Asie, l'Australasie la Polynesie &c. par M. Brue Carte Encyprotype Reduite de celle sur 4 Feuilles du Meme Auteur. a Paris Chez Desray ... Chez Goujon ... 1814 ... revue et Augmente en ..., Brue by 1816
Océanie., Levasseur by 1845 c
Oceanique, Lapie [Family] by 1812
Oceanique, Lapie [Family] by 1821
Oceanique Oriente, Lapie/Tardieu by 1809
Oceanique Oriente., Lapie [Family] by 1809-12
Oceanique Oriente., Lapie [Family] by 1812
Part of the Great Pacific Ocean Shewing the Route of the Spanish Frigate La Princesa Commanded by D. Franc Antonio Maurelle in ..., La Perouse by 1798
Part of the Great Pacific Ocean Shewing the Route of the Spanish Frigate La Princesa Commanded by D. Franc Antonio Maurelle in ..., La Perouse by 1798
Part of the Great Pacific Ocean Shewing the Route of the Spanish Frigate La Princesa Commanded by D. Franc Antonio Maurelle in ..., Robinson by 1798
Partie de la Mer du Sud comprise entre les Philippines et la Californie d'apres de Carte Espagnole trouvee sur le Galion pris par l'Amiral Anson en 1743. . ..., La Perouse by 1797
Plan de l'Ile de Paque [on sheet with] Plan de la Baie de Cook Situee a la Cote Occid. l'Ile de Paque [and] Vues de l'Ile de ..., La Perouse by 1797
Plan of Easter Island [on sheet with] Plan of Cook's ..., La Perouse by 1798
Plan of Easter Island Taken in April 1786 [on sheet with] Plan of Cook's ..., La Perouse by 1798
Polynesia, Pinkerton by 1813
Polynesia, Pinkerton by 1813
Polynesia, Pinkerton by 1813
Polynesia, Pinkerton by 1818
Polynesia, Brue by 1826
Polynesia, Pinkerton by c.1813+
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1840
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1840
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1840
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1840
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by 1842
Polynesia Or Islands In The Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Cox by 1853
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Cox by 1853
Polynesia or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, SDUK Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge by c.1840
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1850
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1850
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1850-54
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by 1851
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by c.1850
Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Tallis by c.1850
Polynesien (Inselwelt) Oder Der Fünfte Welttheil, Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Djurberg by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Djurberg by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Djurberg by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Djurberg by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by c.1780
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfafst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Hern F.A. Schraembl ..., Schrambl by c.1790
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Verfasst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg Neu Herausgegeben von Herrn F.A. Schraembl ..., Djurberg by 1789
Polynesien (Inselwelt) oder der Funfte Welttheil Versasst von Herrn Daniel Djurberg. Neu herausgegeben von Herrn. F. A. Schraembl, ..., Djurberg by 1789
Polynesien und der Grosse Ocean ... zur Ethnographischen Ubersicht von Dr. G. ..., Perthes [Family and Companies] by 1872
Polynesien und der Grosse Ocean ... zur Ethnographischen Ubersicht von Dr. G. ..., Perthes [Family and Companies] by 1872
Sketch Of Karakakooa Bay [on sheet with] Chart Of The Sandwich ..., Lodge by 1780 c.
Sketch of the Duff's Groupe, Discovered September 25, 1797 by Capt. James ..., Wilson by 1799
Sketch of the Duff's Groupe, Discovered September 25, 1797 by Capt. James ..., Wilson by 1799
South Pacific, Imray, Sr. by 1863
South Pacific, Imray, Sr. by 1869
South Pacific Ocean Area, Geographia Map Co. by 1946
South Pacific., Imray, Sr. by 1873
Stanford's Library Map of Australia Constructed by A. Keith ..., Stanford by 1859
Stanford's Library Map of Australia Constructed by A. Keith ..., Stanford by 1859
Stanford's Library Map of Australia Constructed by A. Keith ..., Stanford by 1859
Stanford's Library Map of Australia Constructed by A. Keith ..., Stanford by 1863
Tableau Historique et Geographique de l'Oceanie, Duval by 1840
Tabula Hydrographica Maris Australis vulgo del Zur, Ductum Navigationis Wilhelm Schouten et Terras ac Insulas ab eo Ibiden Detectas ..., Bry by 1619
Tabula, Dictum Navigationis, quem in Mari Australi Tenuit Iacobus Le Maire ..., Herrera y Tordesillas by 1622
Terres Australes ... [in set with] Amerique Meridionale …, Duval by 1679 - 1684
The Australian Colonies, Gall & Inglis by c.1860
The Pacific Ocean. The New Discoveries there, and Tracks of the ..., PAYNE by 1791
The Theaters of War in Australian Waters. Chicago Daily Tribune, Tuesday, February 3, ..., Wisner by 1942
Vanikoro [on sheet with] Kapogo [and] Partie Septentrionale de l'Ile Celebes et des Iles ..., Dumont d&aposUrville by 1828
View of Resolution Bay, in the Marquesas, Cook/Hogg by 1784 c.

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