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Dubreuil, Lorrain, Early Canadian Topographic Map Series: The Geological Survey of Canada 1842-1949. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives, 1988. ISBN-0-9690682-8-X. 10 x 8 inches, vi, 71pp., illustrated, paper. (ACMLA, c/o Maps, National Archives of Canada, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario KlA ON3, Canada, $15.00 Canadian)

Dubreuil, Lorrain, Sectional Maps of Westem Canada, 1871-1955. An Early Canadian Topographic Map Series. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives, 1989. ISBN-0-9690682-9-8. 10 x 8 inches, vi (i.e. viii), 57pp., illustrated, paper. ($15.00 Canadian)

Dubreuil, Lorrain, Standard Topographical Maps of Canada, 1904-1908. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives, 1991. ISBN-0-9695062-0-1. 10 x 8 inches, vi (i.e. ix) 31pp., illustrated, paper. ($10.00 Canadian)

These three works form Numbers 1-3 of the series "Occasional Papers of the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives." They provide a valuable listing of several series of Canadian government maps.  Each book has the same introductory section with a valuable description of how the various bureaucratic organs merged and mutated over the years.  This is followed by text more particular to the maps listed later in the work.  One enigmatic passage states "Then in 1957, a radical change in the indexing system was introduced.  However opposition to this revision was so great that by 1960, another revision came into effect." It would be interesting to hear a little more about this.  Were fossilized old-fogies resistant to an improved system?  Or, were novice bureaucrats ramming through a silly and unnecessary change to show their authority and to justify their existence being resisted by knowledgeable experts?  One is free to speculate.  The listings of the maps give the title, series number, and note various editions.  These three works, which I would recommend purchasing together, form a useful guide to these confusing maps.  Hopefully, someone will do the same for the United States.

David C. Jolly, 1992

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