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Klein, Christopher M., Maps in Eighteenth-Century British Magazines: A Checklist. Chicago: The Newberry Library, 1989. ISBN 0-911028-41-2. 28x2lcm., xvi, 72pp., paper. (The Newberry Library Bookshop, 60 W. Walton St., Chicago, IL 60610, $8.00 plus $1.50 shipping)

Despite the title, this list covers only Gentleman's Magazine, London Magazine, Political Magazine, Scots Magazine, and Universal Magazine.  There are 955 entries.  Each entry gives title and dimensions.  Imprint and signature are strung at the end of the title.  Strangely, the month of appearance of the maps are not given.  There is a combined name-title-place index at the end.  I have gone back and forth over this list item-by-item, and have found the listings to be generally quite accurate.  There are some omissions, such as the map of Cartagena in Scots Magazine, and some maps at the end of Universal Magazine.  Typographically composed maps are not included.  An interesting introduction covers the publishing history of these periodicals, though I do not agree with all of Klein's conclusions.

David C. Jolly, 1990

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