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Lemon, Donald P., Theatre of Empire. Saint John: NBM Publications, 1987. ISBN 0919326-41-2. 22x28cm., 154pp., illustrated, paper. (The New Brunswick Museum, 277 Douglas Ave., Saint John, New Brunswick E2K lE5, Canada)

This outstanding catalog describes, and beautifully illustrates, 54 maps of eastern North America, introduced by an interesting essay on the cartography of eastern Canada.  The map selection not only illustrates the evolution of cartographic knowledge, but consists almost exclusively of printed maps available to collectors.  The maps range from Münster, de Jode, Wytfliet, through Purchas, Moll's Beaver Map, Popple's index sheet, all the way to the Admiralty, Vandermaelen, and the S.D.U.K. The reproductions are excellent.  Each item is accompanied by a brief essay, and bibliographical information is given in a section at the end.  I highly recommend this book to any individual or institution having an interest in eastern North America.

David C. Jolly, 1990

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