2023 |
Carte des Indes et de la Chine Dressee sur Plusieurs R... |
Eastern, Southern & Sout |
Delisle/Covens & Mor |
1730 |
24.3x24.7 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Carte des Isles Philippines, Dressee sur la Carte Espa... |
Northern Philippines |
Bellin/Van Schley |
1752 |
8.3x6.1 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
[Omi Province] Omi no Kuni saikenzu |
Omi Province, Japan |
Infrequent Publ. - S |
1824 |
32.1x54.2 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
[8 Puzzle Maps] Atlas |
Cartographic Miscellany, |
1835 |
12.6x16.1 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
L'Asie Divisee en ses Principaux Empires et Royaumes, ... |
Asia |
Robert de Vaugondy |
1749 |
19.3x25.3 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
L'Afrique Divisee en ses Principaux Empires et Royaume... |
Africa |
Robert de Vaugondy |
1749 |
19.3x26.0 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Carte des Iles Mariannes et des Terres Environnantes (... |
Mariana Islands, Taiwan, |
Dumont d'Urville |
1847 |
23.8x35.4 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Tabula Asiae III |
Caucasus |
Ptolemy/Ruscelli |
1574 |
7.1x10.0 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Tabula Asiae VII |
Central Asia |
Ptolemy/Ruscelli |
1561 |
7.2x9.9 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Auvertimento alli Nauigli che Partono da Goa per Andar... |
Arabian Sea & Western In |
Coronelli |
1696 |
11.0x11.1 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Rochester Inscrib'd to St. Thomas Palmer Bart. & Sr. I... |
Rochester, England |
Harris |
1719 |
14.6x32.4 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Rhetiae Alpestris Descriptio, in qua Hodie Tirolis Com... |
Southern Europe |
Ortelius |
1575 |
13.4x19.6 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
[Lot of 3] The Old Northwest Territory [and] Northwest... |
Upper Midwestern United |
1936-38 |
unknown |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
L'Asie |
Asia |
Bonne |
1780 |
8.8x12.6 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Aleppo |
Aleppo, Syria |
Bruyn |
1700 |
11.3x40.3 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouv... |
Colonial Northeastern Un |
Delisle |
1703 |
19.6x25.6 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Carte de l'Entree de la Riviere d'Hudson, Depuis Sandy... |
Colonial New York Harbor |
Sartine |
1778 |
23.2x17.5 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Ceylon, en de Maldivesche Eilanden |
Sri Lanka & the Maldives |
Sanson |
1705 |
7.2x9.5 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Le Grandi Antille e l'Isole Lucaje |
Greater Antilles, Florid |
Borghi |
1817 |
8.9x12.0 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Chart of Long Island Sound |
Long Island Sound, New Y |
Blunt |
1822 |
7.0x16.8 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
[Map in Book] United States [in] The Traveller's Guide... |
United States |
Morse |
1826 |
10.0x16.8 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Plan de la Ville Rade et Forts de Porto Bello... / Pla... |
Portobelo, Panama |
Mortier |
1740 |
16.3x22.4 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
Nona Asiae Tabula |
Pakistan & Afghanistan |
Ptolemy/Waldseemulle |
1513 |
15.9x20.0 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
[2 Volumes] Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige S... |
Britain |
Tirion |
1754-55 |
8.2x5.1 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
2023 |
[2 Volumes] Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, Pendant les ... |
Middle East, Egypt & Syr |
Volney |
1787 |
7.4x4.8 |
Old World Auctions |
$$$ |
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